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Let me tell you a little bit about my family...

I was born to the most wonderful parents ever: Lawrence and Elizabeth Walker. Mother's maiden name was Aderholt. She was born and raised in north Alabama (Jacksonville) in 1923. She met and married my dad while he was stationed at Ft. McClellan. Dad was born and raised in Arkansas.

I was their third child.

I have an older brother and I was the baby of the family for a few years. My older brother's name is Gene and my sister is Mary (we call her "Lucy").

"Ain't we the cutest"

We were all raised as "Military Brats". Dad served in the U.S. Army for 24 years. So, as you can see, I have been with the military for well over 40 years.

As I mentioned, I was the baby for a few years....yep, they went and had another baby in 1951...Ken is his name.. That is the bunch of us. Of course, we are all married now and have our own children AND grandchildren...((a couple of "them" also have great-grandchildren)).

I am proud to introduce you to our "extended" family: our BETTER halves (or so they think).. We love them all so very much.

Let's start with the wife of my oldest brother, Gene. He married Joan Shaver Walker..They have known one another all their lives. Our fathers were in the military together and settled down in the same town in Alabama. Gene and Joan have four children.

Now we move to my loving sister, Lucy. She married a very wonderful man,Bob Butler. They spent so very many wonderful years together as a loving, military family. Bob was in the Navy and then the U.S. Army. They had three sweet children. Unfortunately, Bob is no longer with us here on Earth. You see, the Lord called him home! We miss you Bob......

This brings us to my beautiful wife of 35 years: Bobbie Rooks Walker..If you have been to my first page, you know about Bobbie and our children and grandchildren. I just can't say enough about her...."Thank You, Honey..for a wonderful life!"

And now for the "Youngun", Kenneth. Ken married Georgette Bock while he was in the Air Force, stationed in Panama City, Florida. Ken and Gette have three children and still live in Florida.

Ain't they special!?
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