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This page is dedicated to all of the vererans who have served and are now serving this great nation of ours. We can only hope and pray that the work which has been done will not have been in vain.

I have placed upon this page, the photos of all the members of my family who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Each of us served with pride and honor.

Next time that you see a vet,,,,, say "Thanks" and give him/her a pat on the back. They will appreciate that so much.

The following family members served our country in the U.S. Air Force:

Myself--- Brother: Gene---Brother: Ken---Nephew: Donald---Nephew: Bob (Rob)---

These three served in the U.S. Army:
My father: Lawrence "Snake" Walker,my brother-in-law: Bob, and my Nephew: Lloyd

This is my Uncle: Ed. Also serving in the Navy was my brother-in-law: Bob....yes the same Bob above in the Army...He got out of the Navy and joined the Army...I have no picture of him in his sailor uniform.

This is my youngest son: Chris. (I am so proud of him)

I would like to say thank you to my sister, Mary, for the use of these family pictures...."Thanks Sis, from the bottom of my heart".

Also thank you "Doc" for the use of some of these graphics...they are wonderful and heart-warming.

Also, thank you Ron and Fred....I get caught up in your graphics pages...God's speed to you both.

Visit Ron, Please.