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Help and tips

Here is some good help, and tips for newbies (new characters) in Ultima Online.



When you start up, you always need some more money. You can get money on very simple ways.


Mining: Mining is a exelent way to make money, make you character, so he/she has about 30 - 50 in mining, and 30 - 50 in blacksmith.

How to make money on mining: When you are in the game, you have to find some montains, that contains ore. When you have founded that, take your pickaxe, and dig up some ore, untill you can't carry anymore. Now go to a smiths building, or another place you can melt your ore. Melt your ore to get ingots. Now take your smith's hammer, and make weapons or armor on a anvil. Tip: Make kite shields, they give about 50 gold pieces each, and only use 8 ingots to make. When you have maked the weapons or the armor, go sell it at a vendor in the blacksmithshop, or try to sell the items to other persons in the game.


Bowying: Bowying is also a good way to make money. Make your character, so he/she has 40 - 50 lumberjacking, and 40 - 50 bowying.

How to make money on bowying: First, you'll need a axe. Now go find some trees, there are loads of trees outside the cityes. Now harvest logs from the trees. When you can't carry anymore logs, take you axe, and make bows out of it. Tip: Make ordinary bows, the use only 7 logs to make, and you can sell them for a higher price, than cross-bows and heavy cross-bows. When you have maked the bows, go sell them at a vendor in the weaponshop.



Hunt: When you go on hunt, your persons has to be well trained, if you are a swordman, warrior or something like that, then go train in the weaponsshop in your city. When you go on hunt the first times, then don't go alone, bring a friend or two. Always look out for PK'ers, and don't go to a place, with too many monsters.

Click here, if you want to see how to raise your stats quick.

Click here, if you want to see how to make the perfect character.