Leftgrll - Thinking Independent, Acting Rational 
 We here at Leftgrll believe that women have as many opinions as faces. Leftgrll is a forum for women who share some common thoughts - particularly pro-choice and independent political thinking - but who also smash the stereotype of the liberal woman. You've heard the stereotype before, some call it  the "Godless, anti-family, man-hating, self-centered, I am woman hear me roar, radical leftist feminist" stereotype. Not the Leftgrlls!!!

 We have created the *Real* Leftgrlls of The Web web ring to bring together like-minded men and women to create a more easily accessible feminist resource on the web. Yes, we said men! While true, men aren't females (shocker, huh?), men can offer a distinct insight and perspective on feminism (see told you we didn't hate men!). 

 Would you like to join our ring??? C'mon, give it a shot! What do you have to lose, besides the stereotype? Please go to our sign up page if interested!

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