
Well, I guess you came here cause you wanna know about me....Most of you know me as KissyFace, but, my real name is Brandi. I am from a small town in Alabama called McKenzie. And when I say "small town", I mean A SMALL TOWN!! But, it's the place I call home.There's not a whole lot to do around here except hang out uptown and ride around...sometimes a bunch of us will go shoot pool at the gameroom..Anyway... I have blonde hair about chin length and green eyes... I am about 5'5" and weigh about 100 pounds. I graduated from McKenzie High School this year and I plan to attend LBW in the Spring...*S*...I love racing..Nascar and dirt track..I have a cousin that races dirt track..His name is Shep Lucas and he has won many championships at the racetracks around Alabama and Florida. My favorite Nascar driver is Jeff Gordon!! I'll listen to just about any kind of music but, I LOVE Nsync...

Well, I have 2 sisters. They are 15 and they are twins. They come on the internet as Kuddles and ~*AmyElizabeth*~...sometimes we don't get along but, most of the time we do. They are easy to talk to about problems and stuff!!

I have a little boy..his name is Austin...he was born May 8, 1998 in Andalusia..He is 17 months old and he gets into EVERYTHING!!He is my little angel..even though sometimes he can be a little devil!Click here for his page!*S*

My parents are divorced..They both live in McKenzie so we get to spend time with both of them. It was hard at first but, I guess God has a reason for everything! I love both of them alot!!*S*
I can get along with just about anyone.. It's just those people that talk about you behind your back but, can't say it to your face...ya know what I mean! Then there's those girls that always think they can take your man...no matter who you date..they are gonna try to take him...Anyway.........

Well, that's all I can think of for now! You can add me on ICQ if you like...36735483...bye bye!!Everyone be sweet....:-)
"Love has no limits and no regrets"


Email: kissyface2000@hotmail.com