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~If the name is underlined, it is a link to that person's page!*S*~

Me and my sis, Ashley

Me and my little boy..Austin

My two friends, Casey and Abby.

My two sisters...Ashley a.k.a. KuddleS and Amy a.k.a. ~*AmyElizabeth*~They are twins!*S*

My sis, Amy, at Mckenzie Prom '99 with Justin Teate.

My sis, Amy, 99 MHS Varsity Cheerleader.

My sister, Ashley,at the Georgiana Prom 99, with Wesley Davenport.

My mom..she chats as Loreli..*S*

My cutie-patootie friendScott..a.k.a HHH *S*

My bestestest friend..~*Sandy*~ and her boyfriend Chris a.k.a InSaNe Greenville Academy Prom '99.