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West Point Lodge 758, F & A M

West Point Lodge 758 was chartered under the jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Alabama on December 7, 1927, with an original membership of 8. Lodge was originally held on the second floor of a small warehouse building owned by the late Brother W. H. Morgan, one of the charter members. That warehouse building changed hands several times through the years with the second floor always serving as the lodge hall. The building was deeded to the lodge in the early 1960's by Brother Herman Plunkett. Our present lodge building was constructed in 1970 on the site of the original lodge, with additional property donated by Brother William Henry Jordan, grandson of the late Brother W. A. Jordan, one of the original members. It is located at the intersection of County Roads 1242 and 1141 in the West Point community, approximately six miles west of Cullman, Alabama.
OFFICERS FOR 2004-2005
Worshipful Master - Brother Rodney Bagwell
Senior Warden - Brother Roger Bagwell
Junior Warden - Brother Leon Jones
Treasurer - Brother Donald McCravy, PM
Secretary - Brother Frankie Jones, PM
Chaplain - Brother Coy Bagwell, PM
Marshal - Brother Jerry Smith, PM
Senior Deacon - Brother Jeff McCravy, PM
Junior Deacon - Brother Stanley Jones, PM
Senior Steward - Brother Jimmy Jones, PM
Junior Steward - Brother Clay Smith, PM
Tiler - Brother David McCravy, PM
West Point Lodge meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00PM

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