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Sunbelt Scots Magazine is published by Creative Services, 12208 Mt. Olive Road, Coker, AL 35452.


Sunbelt Scots (quarterly magazine) and the Society of Southern Scots (monthly newsletter) is dedicated to the coverage, promotion and preservation of activities in the Scottish/Celtic community in America’s Sunbelt, from southern California through the Southwest, Southeast, and Atlantic Coast Regions. Editorial content of both publications focuses on clan and association activities, Scottish and Celtic Festivals, pipe bands, dancing groups, and the competitions which they participate, and the various interesting personalities within the Scottish/Celtic community that make all the above activities so pleasurable. Sunbelt Scots and The Society of Southern Scots welcomes news and photos from all clans and associations active throughout America’s Sunbelt. New advertising options are now available to help increase your sales by advertising in multiple publications and Online at All advertising related to Scottish/Celtic culture is welcomed by our expanding networking. Ads may be camera ready or can be prepared by the staff at Creative Services.

Advertising Rates

Sunbelt Scots Magazine is now a tabloid-size magazine 29”x 34 ˝”, trimmed to 26”x 33”. The Society of Southern Scots Newsletter is standard 8 ˝” x11”.
All advertising is B&W for Sunbelt Scots Magazine.

Full Page
Three-Quarter Page
One-Half Page
One-Third Page
One-Quarter Page
Listing (Business Card Size)

Advertising for Society of Southern Scots Newsletter:
Full Page 8 ˝”x 11”
One-Half Page
One Quarter Page
Add $20.00 to combine any ad with Online Website Advertising. A 10% discount can be taken if advertiser pays in advance for multiple insertions in the above publications.


Sunbelt Scots Dec. 15; March 15; June 15; & November 15. Society of Southern Scots: 1st day of each month preceding the 15th publication date.Online Advertising (Instant publication upon payment).

Subscription Rates

Subscription Rates are $19.95 per year; $29.95 two years for combined Sunbelt Scots Magazine and Society of Southern Scots Newsletter.

Circulation & Distribution

Distribution of Sunbelt Scots & Society of Southern Scots has now over 2,500 subscribers. Twenty-five distributors now carry Sunbelt Scots Magazine to all Highland/Celtic Games for distribution to the general public and vendors. A total of 100,000 readers are expected to read Sunbelt Scots Magazine in the year 2002.

All inquiries regarding subscriptions, advertising rates or news should be made to:
John W. Cargile, editor & publisher
12208 Mt. Olive Road, Coker, AL 35452
(205)339-3034 (Fax)

In Domino Confido

Sunbelt Scots Shopper’s Guide

The Sunbelt Scots Shopper’s Guide is owned by Sunbelt Scots, Inc. It is a 12-page tabloid style newspaper, and is inserted into Sunbelt Scots Magazine and The Family Tree.
This is a guide filled with advertisements from the USA and Scotland. No editorial.
Ads can be full color, spot color or B&W.
Rates will be cheaper than those in the other publications to allow small businesses to afford advertising in these publications.

Advertising Rates:
Full Page
One-Half Page
One-Fourth Page
Front Cover
Back Cover
Business card size ads

Add $100 for full color ads; $50.00 for spot color ads. Specify when you advertise which publication you want to place your ad.

Zip or Postal Code _____________

Yes, I want to advertise in:

_______ The Family Tree
_______ Sunbelt Scots Magazine
_______ The Shopper’s Guide

Amount Enclosed: $_____________
Currency is all USA. Convert pounds.
Make check payable to Sunbelt Scots, Inc. and mail to 12208 Mt. Olive Road, Coker, AL 35452.

All payments are due when you place your order unless you and Sunbelt Scots, Inc., have worked out an agreement in advance. Multiple ads will receive a 10% discount from the total.

You may contact us at:
(205) 339-3621
(205) 339-3034 (fax)

Advertise Today
Clan Associations
Family Reunions
Genealogical Services
Scottish Products
Irish Products
Celtic Products
Online Services

Send ads by e-mail in jpeg. format or gif. Or snail mail. You can also pay Online with PayPal, a secure location with charge cards.
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