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Pastoral Counseling

Available by phone, email, talking email. Free consultation for the first 30 minutes, $45 per hour thereafter. Written reports per session. Pastoral psychology, including weddings, funerals, baptism, relationships, personalized computer-aided astrology, healing. Open to all faiths. Subject to availability.
Phone:(205) 339-3621 Fax: (205)339-6146 or

If you have a prayer need, call (816) 969-2000.
There is a telephone charge.

Biographical Information

As a 20-year-old ministerial student at Samford University in Birmingham, AL in the 1960's, I came to realize that religion is more than just religion. It's a way of life. After studying the great philosophers and theologians of the past, it dawned on me that what I was being taught created a "dualistic conflict," in my intellect. I decided to find out "Who I Am?" After 30 years as an award-winning writer, and writing about other people's lives, I decided it was time to again to delve into the "Who Am I?" question. In 1994 I graduated with a doctoral degree from the University of Metaphysics, Studio City, Ca. It has literally changed my life. I am now a Unity student, studying under the Unity School of Chrisitianity in Unity Village, MO. I am a charter member of the Unity Church of Tuscaloosa, AL. I am married with three children, three grandchildren. I have a 13-year-old boy who keeps me physically and mentally fit. I continue to write for different publications. My interest is focused a great deal on genealogy and metaphysics. I am a liscensed advertiser for the University of Metaphysics, and a well-known book distributor that specializes in Metaphysics. I hope you will join me in this fascinating journey of learning that will keep you busy for the rest of your life. Meditation is the key to success, harmony, love, and creativity. I strongly believe in Angels, God-Mind, and Prophets yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Jesus was one of the great teachers, but there are other teachers I believe strongly in. Go with me on the journey. We all have something in common -- we are human beings that can reach out and touch our innermost "Self" and come into contact with the Energy-Source that is here for everyone, including not only earthlings, but nature itself, and other worlds we cannot fathom yet. Welcome to our World, the world of Metaphysics.

    Msc. D (University of Metaphysics)
    M.Msc. (University of Metaphysics)
    B. Msc. (University of Metaphysics)
    BA Philosophy/Religion (Samford University, Birmingham, AL)
    Pastoral Counseling certification (Pastoral Pyschology Institute)
    Metaphysical Practitioners Certification
    University of Metaphysics Alumni Association
