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C'est le 21 juillet 1948 que naquit Stephen Demitri Georgiou à Londres.  Son père était Chypre et sa mère suédoise.  Puis, il commença à jouer de la guitare et à composer ses propres chansons.  Ses parents étaient propriétaires d'un restaurant, "Le Moulin Rouge".  Stevens abandonna l'école "normale" pour s'engager dans des études musicales.  Il jouait, les soirs, dans les bars, sans obtenir trop de succès.  Ses parents étaient séparés, mais ils travaillaient toujours ensemble au restaurant.  Il détestait faire la vaisselle et comme il était le plus jeune de sa famille, il se faisait souvent prendre au piège.  Cependant, pour se délivrer de cette "torture", il montait à sa chambre après sa corvée pour écrire ses chansons, reflétant ce qu'il ressentait.  C'est d'ailleurs observable sur sa chansons "Matthew and Son".  À 16 ans, il sortit de l'école pour se consacrer à sa nouvelle carrière qui semblait au ralentit.  Ce n'est qu'à 18 qu'il commença vraiment à se faire connaître dans les bars où il chantait.  Dès lors, son salaire passa de 2 "pounds" à 300 "pounds" par soir. Il endisqua alors un album, "Matthew and Son" en 1967.  Il fit un malheur non seulement avec la pièce titre, mais aussi avec "I love my dog", "I'm gonna get me a gun" et  "Here come my baby".  Fort de ce succès retentissant, et cédant à la pression des fans, il enregistra un autre disque, "New Masters".  Certes moins populaire, il eut son succès le plus bas ( #47 ) avec sa chanson "Kitty".  Cependant, il est à noter que Rod Steward repris la chansons originale "The first cut is the deepest".  Peu de temps après, Cat essaya de faire d'autres albums, mais les dirigeants de sa compagnie de disque refusèrent.  Il blâma alors les critiques de ses dirigeants ou le mauvais goût musical des gens en général.  Stevens, qui continuait toujours ses spectacles dans les bars sombra lentement.  D'ailleurs, pour oublier tous ses problèmes, il fumait et buvait beaucoup ; souvent une bouteille complète de Brandy par soir.  Et un jour, ce qui devait arriver arriva.  On du l'emmener à l'hôpital.  Diagnostic: tuberculose et un poumon gravement endommagé.  Il demeura trois mois à l'hôpital, puis, il eut un période de convalescence d'un an.  Durant toute cette année, il pris le temps de se retrouver.  Car, il faut le dire, avant de "s'effondrer", il était mentalement très affaibli.  Mais il repris des forces et il composa de nouvelles chansons, loin de la pression et des fans.  Il put enregistrer l'année suivante son premier album chez A&M, Mona Bone Jakon, qui fut certes, très bien apprécié.  Avec des chansons telles "Lady d'Arbanville", en l'honneur de l'un de ses amours, le très spirituel Katmandu ou le subtil trouble.  On découvrait alors un tout nouveau chat ( qui s'était fait donné son nom par de jolies fans qui trouvaient qu'il faisait bouger ses yeux comme le fait un chat.) Certes, il y avait aussi des chansons qui ressemblaient à des essais, comme Time par exemple, mais il n'en reste pas moins que c'est un excellent album.  Puis, la même année, il sortit "Tea for the Tillerman" qui est considéré comme le meilleur album de Cat Stevens.  On y retrouve des chansons, bijoux, comme "Where do the children play?", "Hard Headed Woman", "Wild World", "Sad Lisa", et l'incontesté "Father and Son", un classique de la musique Anglaise.  C'est ce qui a fait de lui un artiste international accompli.  Il y a aussi de petits bijoux qui sont passés inaperçues.  "Into white", qui est absolument sublime, "Longer Boats" qui est magnifique ou encore "Tea for the Tillerman", une toute petite chanson, toute charmante.  Si on écoute ce disque sans le trouver extraordinaire voire inconcevable, c'est qu'on est un peu...fou.  Après cette année de succès, Stevens lança un autre fabuleux album reflétant tout son talent, "Teaser and Firecat"  C'est avec son prédécesseur, un autre classique.  Qui n'a jamais entendu "Moonshadow", Morning has broken" ou "Peace Train".  Et encore une fois, il y a ces petites gâteries comme "The Wind", une autre petite chanson qui nous enporte avec sa spiritualité et sa profondeur.  En fait, c'est  un autre chef-d'oeuvre.   C'est après la tournée "Tillerman" que Stevens entra derechef en studio pour enregistrer "Catch Bull at Four" Bien que cet album ne fut pas le plus aimé, il contient des chansons aussi belles que "The Boy with a Moon & Star on his head", "O Caritas" qui est presqu'entièrement chantée en latin, "Sitting", qui est elle aussi un classique, "Ruins", qui nous rappelle les horreurs de la guerre du Viêt-nam.  Certes, on reconnaissait le talent musical de Stevens mais on connaissait aussi sont talent pour le dessin, où la peinture. Lorsqu'il était jeune, il croyait que son destin était choisit. Il pensait qu'il allait devenir peintre, comme son oncle Hugo. Qu'il ait choisi l'un ou l'autre des destinée, il aurait toujours été un virtuose. Sa carrière était maintenant bien établie. Il se rendait compte d'une chose. Il n'aimait pas se présenter en public. Et cela paraissait dans ses concerts: oui, il parlait entre les chansons, mais très peu. Mais lorsqu'il se redécouvrit, tout changea. Il s'assoyait et chantait. De plus, il a presque toujours été célibataire. Il n'est tombé amoureux que deux fois. L'une était avec Ptti d'Arbanville, l'actrice, qui lui inspira sa merveilleuse chanson "Lady d'Arbanville" Mais, autrement, Cat est seul. Que ce soit en avion ou en voiture, il est seul, dessinant, écrivant ou pensant à quelconque idée existentielle. Il ne dînait que très rarement avec les musiciens qui l'accompagnaient en tournée. Après les concerts, il s'assoyait avec une bière et buvait tranquillement en rongeant ses ongles. Après la sortie de "Catch Bull at Four", Cat commença à écrire pour un nouvel album qui paraîtra sous le nom de "Foreigner", qui veut dire étranger. C'était sa première expérience à titre de producteur, ses autres albums chez A&M ayant été produits pas Paul Samwell-Smith. Cet album contient l'inusitée "Foreigner Suite" qui dure 18:19. Les médias réagirent plus ou moins bien à la sortie de cet album. En fait, ils l'accusaient d'avoir été trop aventureux. Il y avait toutefois de très bonnes chansons, comme "100 I Dream", "How Many Times" ou "The Foreigner Suite", mais c'est avec sa chanson "The Hurt" qu'il remporta le plus de succès. Puis, après toutes ces années de gloire et d'argent ( il faut le dire, il avait amassé beaucoup d'argent ) il s'envola pour le Brésil, dans l'espoir de pouvoir sauver un peu d'impôt ( qui était très élevé ) Là bas, il se mit à l'écriture d'un nouvel album, empreint de spiritisme et de réflexions intérieures. Il écrivit l'album "Cat Stevens' Buddha and the Chocolate Box". Puis, il enregistra le disque, avec toujours les mêmes amis: Alun Davies, son guitariste, Jean Roussel, grand joueur de piano ( claviers ), Gerry Conway, le batteur, et Bruce Lynch, son bassiste. À première vue, l'album semblait bon. Avec des chansons comme le merveilleux "Oh Very Young", le rythmé "Ready" ou le magnifique "King of Trees", qui avait été écrit plusieurs années auparavant. Mais les critiques en furent tout autrement. Probablement qu'on s'attendait à plus. Mais ils n'avaient pas raison de se plaindre, car, s'ajoutant à la liste énumérée plus haute, il y a "A Bad Penny" qui est une chanson absolument géniale. Cela dit, Cat n'abandonna pas la scène. Un an plus tard, il proposa une idée à deux écrivains. Il leur proposait d'écrire un livre sur les "Polygons", ces être qui habitent sur une planète éloignée, et qui ne vivent que de chiffres. Ce concept inspira même Stevens, qui écrivit des chansons pour les divers personnages de ce lointain royaume. C'est sur des musiques farfelues et intenses qu'il développa son album. Il fit aussi quelques dessins, une cinquantaine en tout pour illustrer et le livre et le livret d'accompagnement du disque. Pour l'enregistrement, il vint au Québec ( et oui! ),en 1975, à Morin Height dans les Laurentides. Résultat, Numbers, un album tout à fait charmant, le meilleur depuis des années, disait-on à l'époque. Et c'est vrai. Numbers est un excellent album. Avec des chansons comme le mystérieux "Novim's Nightmare", "Drywood", le magique"Land O' Free Love and Goodbye", le coquet "Jzero" ou "Home", qui ressemble plus au style habituel de Stevens. En parlant de son passage au Québec, le dernier concert de Stevens ici, fut au mois de mars 1976. Numbers laissa ses marques et Cat en profita pour se reposer. Il patienta un an pour écrire d'autres chansons qui paraîtront sous l'abum Izitso en 1977. Certes, "Izitso" n'est pas le meilleur album de Stevens. Il nous dévoile, nous fait entendre une vague de synthétiseurs ( assez étourdissants ). Bien que les arrangements sont superbes, il reste qu'entendre tous ces synthés est comme une mini-torture. Il y abien quelques bonnes chansons, comme "Crazy", I Never Wanted ( To be a Star)", ou "Child for a Day", qui aurait pu se retrouver sur "Tea for the Tillerman", tant le style est conservé, face aux autres albums. Malheureusement, ce n'est pas Cat Stevens qui a écrit la chanson. Paradoxalement, Izitso permit à Stevens d'atteindre le "gold disc" pour un neuvième fois d'affilée. Un an plus tard, près à enregistrer son prochain et dernier album, Cat revint au Québec à Morin Heighs pour enregistrer "Back to Earth". Véritable retour sur terre? Oui. On reconnaît encore le style "catstevennien", avec, cependant, un peu plus d'arrangements. Ce dernier album n'est pas le meilleur, mais il n'est pas le pire. En effet, il renferme de très bonnes chansons, comme "Just another Night", "Daytime", "Last Love Song", "Father" et, la meilleure, "Never". Mais, aussi, il en comporte des moins bonnes, comme "Nascimento" ou "Randy". Mais, comme sortie, on ne pouvait demander mieux. Puis, Cat annonça qu'il abandonnait le monde artistique pour s'engager dans l'islamisme, changeât son nom pour Yusuf Islam. Non, il n'est pas moine, non l'argent de ses disques , ceux qu'il vend encore, ne vont pas à des associations de la mafia ou quoi que ce soit. Il est marié et il a cinq enfants, un garçon ( Muhammad ) et quatre filles. En entrevue, on lui demandait souvent s'il jouait toujours de la musique et s'il écoutait encore ses vieilles chansons. Il disait qu'il ne jouait plus de guitare, car cela lui faisait mal aux doigts et qu'il n'écoutait non plus ses chansons. Puis, après avoir souris, il avouait que, oui, il écoutait encore certaines chansons. Mais pas toutes, cependant. Il dit que ce qu'il faisait n'était pas mauvais, mais que les chansons qui faisait allusion au sexe, il devait les ignorer. Au début, lorsqu'il a commencé à s'intégrer à l'islam, il avait demandé aux compagnies de disque d'arrêter de vendre ses disques. Mais, bien entendu, cela n'a pas fonctionné. Stevens, maintenant Yusuf Islam, a tout vendu lors de son insertion. Sa guitare, son piano, il adonné son argent, pour repartir à zéro. Yusuf est toujours actif et dernièrement, lors de la guerre du Kosovo, lui et plusieurs personnes d'une organisation spéciale donnaient de l'argent à ceux qui hébergeaient des réfugiés. Malheureusement des gardes les ont arrêtés et ont volé tous leur avoir. Une bonne cause qui s'est arrêtée sur la stupidité de l'homme. Pour en savoir plus et pour écouter l'entrevue:Cat

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Il est à noter que les musiques de Cat Stevens, ainsi que deux nouvelles chansons peuvent être entendues sur le film "Harold and Maude" de 1984. Les deux nouvelles chansons sont aussi disponibles sur la compilation Greatest Hits II. "If you want to sing out, sing out" et "Don't be shy", sont les deux chansons. Aussi, si vous voulez entendre les chansons que Yusuf Islam a produites, visitez:Cat

Ligne du temps
21st July, 1948 - born in London (THREE LINER NOTES) They lived in the centre of London and he went to a Roman Catholic Primary School. Having left school at the age of 16 with an 'A' grade 'O' level in Art, he entered Hammersmith Art College and the following year, 1966, recorded his first single. 1958 (CLASSICS LINER NOTES) When Cat was 10 years old, he first heard Laurie London's version of "He's Got The Whole World In His Hands" and decided (with the help of brother David) that becoming a pop star was to be his final destiny. This idea became short lived, and it took almost four years before he would think of becoming a musician again. At that time an African musical, "King Kong" had opened at the Shaftesbury Theatre opposite the Moulin Rouge. By turns operatic, ethnic, and pop "Kong" told the story of the famous African boxer and featured a primarily all-black cast. Stevens got to know the leads and was always found hanging about by the stage door. He was hooked on show business. 1963 Steve recruits a few friends and forms a musical group. "We all picked up an instrument, but nobody actually bought one except me," he says. "Dave chose a trombone, somebody else chose a bass and I got a guitar. It was a conceptual group more than anything else... they just hummed the notes in imitation of their instruments. We were very naive at the time. Later the group was reduced to three and we decided to call ourselves by our initials JAS (Jimmy, Andrew and Steve). Then we called ourselves The JAS Trime. We chose Trime as being another word for trio. (From Chris Charlesworth Bio) July 1964 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) His first engagement was in July 1964 during a folk night held on the premises of a public house near his home - The Black Horse. 1965 He was toying with the name Cat when, with the help and encouragement or his brother David, he took the initial steps to a career in music by making a demonstration record with which to approach record companies in 1965. "I went to Regent Sound Studios in Denmark Street and cut a record of my own," he recalls. "I though it was a terrific song I'd written called Back To The Good Old Times with a flipside called Everything's Piling On... Steve's brother David took the demo to EMI where it was received favourably by promotion man and occasional disc- jockey Peter Prince. (From Chris Charlesworth Bio) ------------------------ 1 9 6 6 ------------------------ FEBRUARY The search for professional sponsorship found genuine enthusiasm on the day Steve walked into the office of a Greek American producer/entrepreneur calles Jim Economides in February of 1966. It was here, in Albert Gate Mews, Knightsbridge, that the young soung writer met Mike Hurst, once a third of The Sprinfield vocal trio, more recently a freelance record producer and now the underpaid assistant to Economides....To impress Hurst, Steve produced his Framus guitar and sang a recently written tune called "I Love My Dog". (From Chris Charlesworth Bio) JUNE (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) Recorded, "I love my Dog" and "Portobello Rd" with Mike Hurst. SEPTEMBER 30 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) On September 30th of that year a brace of mono 45's announced Deram's arrival on the scene amidst a blaze of publicity: DM 101 (U.S.:45-7502), "Happy New Year/Where The Good Times Are" by "Beverley," and DM 102 (45-7501) featuring Cat, with "I Love My Dog" as its top side, set the ball rolling. Despite the undeniable excellence of that lady's spittingly-vitriolic reading of Randy Newman's first rate song, it didn't trouble the chart compilers. Mr. Stevens did. OCTOBER Release of "I Love My Dog/Portobello Road" single (Deram DM 102) 20 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) (i love my dog) Entering Britain's Top 50 on October 20th, this canine tribute notched 7 weeks on show for a high of 28. Artist and label had cut their teeth, although neither single breached Uncle Sam's Hot 100. 22 First editorial mention of Cat Stevens to appear in the London pop press was in Melody Maker on October 22. (Charlesworth Bio) NOVEMBER "I Love My Dog" single reaches UK #28 First live dates as recording artist. Steve tours Scotland. Also, appearances at Tyneside, Epping, Morecambe, Huntingdon, Birmingham and Trowbridge. DECEMBER 01 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) (recorded Matthew and Son) The penultimate day of 1966 brought a second single from the young man who once cited his favourite food as water melons: "Matthew & Son/Granny" (DM 110; 45-7505) utilized two of three titles cut on December 1st. Stevens gives three shows at the Paris Olympia in mid-December. 26: "These turned out to be a pre-amble for Steve's most important showcase to date, a two week season at Brian Epstein's Savile Theatre in London sharing a bill with Georgie Fame, Julie Felix and Sounds Incorporated. The season was called "Fame In '67 Show" and, by all accounts, there was a pantomime atmosphere to the fourteen concerts. The run opened on Boxing Day." (From Charlesworth Bio). ------------------------ 1 9 6 7 ------------------------ JANUARY Release of "Matthew And Son/Granny" single (Deram DM 110) Cat appears on the Pop Inn for the Light Programme, BBC 12 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) This tale of worker exploitation gave its writer/singer his biggest ever hit 45 hit on this sceptered island, occupying the No. 2 pigeon hole for 14 days of its 10 week duration, only the Monkees "I'm a Believer" preventing further progress. Date of entry was 12th January '67. FEBRUARY Release of "Matthew And Son" LP (Deram) "Matthew And Son" LP hits UK #2 02 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) Good-time pop band "The Tremeloes," recently amputated from their front man Brian Poole, clearly appreciated the potential of "Here Comes My Baby" long before Stevens' own version was on sale. Their reading, resplendent with myriad whoopings and handclaps, leapt into Britannia's Hit Parade of February 2nd and didn't stop until it reached No 4. Across the Atlantic 13 was its supreme gesture after April 8th's opening volley. This did much to promote Stevens' name over the water. MARCH Release of "I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun/School Is Out" single (Deram DM 118) 10 (MATTHEW AND SON LINER NOTES) The selected ten new opus's, garnished with both sides of the already issued singles, thus became "Matthew & Son" the album. Rush-released at home as DML(Mono)/SML(Stereo) 1004 on 10th March, it was Deram's fourth twelve inch venture. Making its presence felt immediately, Britain's long-player-best-sellers greeted the newcomer on the 25th of the month. It remained visible for a creditable 16 weeks, with No. 7 the pinnacle of its achievement. 31: First concert of a 24-date UK package Tour with the Walker Brothers, Englebert Humperdinck and the Jimi Hendrix Experience, at Finsbury Park Astoria, London APRIL "I'm Gonna Get Me A Gun" single hits UK #6 30: End of the UK Tour at Granada Cinema, Tooting, London MAY "During May Steve formed his own production company (Cat Stevens Production Ltd) for the purpose of recording other artists performing his songs and a second company (Doric Productions Ltd) for handling the management of artists signed to the first company. Two signers were signed - Peter James and Sasha Caro. Neither made any impression on the charts when records produced by Steve ("Emperors And Armies" by James on CBS and "Grade 3, Section 2" by Caro on Decca) were released later in the year. Steve was also reported to be planning to write the score for a stage musical entitled "A Mexican Flower" but like many subsequent involvements in stage musicals, it never came to fruition." (From Chris Charleswortyh Bio). 05 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) May 5th was set to become the another notable day for Cat Stevens' repertoire. One of Ike & Tina Turner's former Ikettes, "P.P. Arnold," opened her chart account with a recording of a Stevens song not yet preserved by its originator, "The First Cut Is The Deepest." Mike Hurst produced for Andrew Loog Oldham's Immediate Label, and although No. 18 was its best showing, no less than 10 weeks were spent camping out on the sales barometer JUNE 16: Stevens appears in the documentary "A spoonful of Sugar", filmed at Stanmore Hospital, Stanmore, Middx., talking to patients. JULY Release of "A Bad Night/The Laughing Apple" single (Deram DM 140) 03 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) First recording session for what would become New Masters. AUGUST "A Bad Night" single reaches UK #20 NOVEMBER 01 Stevens appears at Le Palais Des Sports in Paris and shares the bill with the groups Soft Machine and Tomorrow OCTOBER 04 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) An agreeable rendition occured (of come on baby shift that log) on October 4th, although a second number, "SING!," was wiped and never re-cut for us. DECEMBER Release of "Kitty/Blackness Of The Night" single (Deram DM 156) "Kitty" single reaches UK #47 Release of "New Masters" LP (Deram SML 1018) (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) Undaunted by the relative impotence of the single however, Cat's second long-player, christened "New Masters," slipped into the racks over the Christmas period in Blighty (DML (MONO)/SML (Stereo) 1018), while stateside the temptation to once again amend a track listing was this time resisted by our cousins. Across the water ordering DE 16010 (Mono) or DES 18010 (Stereo) aquired any purchaser an exact replica of the British LP. (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) The year's end saw him become Britain's 7th best-selling male singles artist, and early in the new campaign readers of a well known pop music paper voted Cat "The Brightest Hope For 1968..." he'd end '67 as the 7th best-selling male singles artist in Britain for one thing ------------------------ 1 9 6 8 ------------------------ (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) Far more important than this minor hiccup though was a downward turn in Stevens health. He contracted tuberculosis and was virtualty sidelined from the industry for almost two years. On September 9th he managed to cut three titles: "The View From the Top," "Here Comes My Wife," and the ironically appellated "It's a Super (Dupa) Life," the latter duo etched back-to-back as DM 211 on October 18th (U.K. only). With little promotion and their protagonist unable to make personal appearances, it inevitably flopped. FEBRUARY Release of "Lonely Cities/Image Of Hell" single (Deram DM 156) MARCH 09: The circumstances surrounding Steve's illness were kept relatively secret - even Mike Hurst wasn't told until much later- and only a small news item in the music press for the week ending March 9, 1968, indicated that anything was amiss. All the London music papers carried a story to the effect that Steve had been rushed into the Harley Street Nursing Home the previous Saturday. "He had been troubled by a cough for a week and on Friday went to a specialist for X-rays. When the results were known he was found to be suffering from chronic pneumonia and at once taken to the Nursing Home," read the reports circulated by his PR Mike Gill. It was to be the last mention of Cat Stevens in the music press for eight months. (From Charlesworth Bio). OCTOBER Release of "Here Comes My Wife/It's A Supa (Dupa) Life" single (Deram DM 211) ------------------------ 1 9 6 9 ------------------------ MARCH 4 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) March 14th, 1969 gave rise to another ultimately abortive get together, as a third title he would not repeat, "Younger Generation," and a first crack at "Where Are You" were both rejected. JUNE Release of "Where Are You/The View From The Top" single (Deram DM 260) 13 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) A few weeks later Cat re-worked just "Where Are You" and with its completion ended his Deram association. This was released, with "The View From The Top" for company, on June 13th 1969 (DM 260, U.K. Only). It was his last official release prior to various later re-packages, and sadly sank without trace. ------------------------ 1 9 7 0 ------------------------ Stevens meets Chris Blackwell of Island Records and Barry Krost who becomes his new manager. He is also introduced to producer Paul Samwell-Smith who would become his closest musical adviser for the next two years. In early 1970, Steve entered Olympic Studios with Samwell-Smith and a carefully selected nucleus of session musicians - guitarist Alun Davies, bassist John Ryan and drummer Harvey Burns, to record the "Mona Bone Jakon" LP. (From Charlesworth Bio) Lady D'arbanville video - PICS - 3 - from Lady D video APRIL Release of "Mona Bone Jakon" LP (Island ILPS 9118) JUNE Release of "Lady D'Arbanville/Time-Fill My Eyes" single (Island WIP 6086) JULY "Mona Bone Jakon" LP reaches UK #63 AUGUST "Lady D'Arbanville" single hits UK #8 SUMMER 1970: Steve records "Tea For The Tillerman" album. He also works on the soundtrack of Jerzy Skolimowski's film "Deep End": "By the way "Deep End" was a movie made by Jerzy Skolimowski featuring Jane Asher and Diana Dors. Cat Stevens and I were just finishing Tea for the Tillerman (summer 1970) and Jerzy wanted some music for his film so we spent literally twenty six hours without break in the studio to do the music for him. But I Might Die Tonight was the song Steve wrote specially for it, and was included on the TFTT album. I'm sure you know all this, but what the hell. These movie makers always want the music by yesterday." (From Mailing list, e-mail from Paul Samwell-Smith). SEPTEMBER Release of "The World Of Cat Stevens" LP (Decca SPA 93) Release of "Moonshadow/Father And Son" single (Island WIP 6092) Jimmy Cliff's version of "Wild World" hits UK #8 NOVEMBER Stevens tours America with appearances at the Fillmore East - NYC (November 18 and 19), the Gaslight Club - Greenwich Village, the Warehous Club in New Orleans and at the Troubadour Club in Los Angeles 23: Release of "Tea For The Tillerman" LP (Island ILPS 9135) DECEMBER "Tea For The Tillerman" LP reaches UK #20 ------------------------ 1 9 7 1 ------------------------ Moonshadow cartoon (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) although in 1971, following this son of a restauranteur's worldwide breakthrough with later sets, a double album package of the "Matthew & Son/New Masters" collections notched 12 weeks on the U.S. Top 200 for a high of 173. 1971 (from chapter iv live album) on live performance Maybe it seems to other people that everything I've done since I came back has gone very well but in fact there have been real struggles. I mean this thing of doing live appearances - I'm always really scared before I go on. Not so much now as I did, but I still have that fear. I want people to go away from a concert and not feel hungry. I want them to feel really satisfied. I mean in every respect with songs and feeling and truthfulness and lust being real to them. Not so they go away thinking "what did he mean by that?" You know that one word that maybe they didn't understand. on coming back - wild world I'm going to come back into the music world, like getting into and making records cuzz I've already done it before. then I had an illness and came back. And it was just before I kind of tried it again because I was very kind of hurt from the first time--very kind of scared--I think it was just a little thing to tell myself to take it easy when I did. So that's it-- Wild World, on his music's edginess and goals My music has always had the cities edginess, even the new music I'm writing. I'm always searching for a peaceful goal - the song which takes you uo slowly and puts you down slowly. I'm always striving for that song. The same thing goes for relation- ships, the person I'll meet that will feed me slowly with ideas and I'll do the same and we'll grow together. I'm always search- ing for that peacefulness that city people dream about. They can't quite figure it out, it's something they can't quite touch. No reason to get angry, no reason to even smile to show you're happy - to just BE. FEBRUARY 20 Concert at the Paris Olympia, where he receives a triumphant standing ovation notably for his rendition of Lady D'Arbanville APRIL Release of "Wild World" single (A&M) "Wild World" single hit US # 11 "Tea For The Tillerman" LP reaches US # 8 "Mona Bone Jakon" LP reaches US #164 06: Concert at the Troubadour Club in LA with openening act Carly Simon MAY Release of "Tuesday's Dead/Miles From Nowhere" single (Island WIP 6102) Re-release of "Matthew & Son/New Masters" as double LP reaches US # 173 Stevens performs at the Rose D'Or in Montreux 21: Concert at Bournemouth Winter Gardens 28: Concert at Queen Elizabeth Hall, London JUNE Short tour of the US 08: TV Concert taped at KCET-TV studios, LA Summer 1971: Steve works on the "Teaser and The Firecat" album. About "Morning Has Broken": (From the Mailing List, e-mail from Paul Samwell Smith). "Just a line to say Yes, it was Rick Wakeman on Morning has Broken. He was working in the studio across the road (with Yes, his group) and came across in the early afternoon to work with Steve on the 'new' song we wanted to try. Rick and Steve worked for a couple of hours without break on that wonderful piano part, and we never credited Rick properly (I think the record company were not sure about getting 'permission' to use Rick's name). I have always regretted that Rick didn't get proper credit on that track, and his contribution was way above what a keyboard player normally puts in to a session. Watching the two of them working together on that part was one of the high points of my career. All I could do was leap out into the studio every time a new phrase, or key change, or transition had been worked out and shout "Great" or "Amazing" to which Steve and Rick would smile and wave me away to leave them get on with it. That's what producing is like sometimes - leaving people alone. But by nine o'clock that evening we had the whole track recorded and mixed (I mixed it myself and this time I told them to go away and leave me to it!). Speed was another thing we seemed to enjoy in those days." Stevens also works on two new songs ("Don't Be Shy" and "If You Want To Sign Out") to be included in Hal Ashby's classic cult film "Harold And Maude". AUGUST Release of "Moonshadow" single in US, reaches US #30 SEPTEMBER Release of "Morning Has Broken/I Want To Live In A Wigwam" single (Island WIP 6121) OCTOBER 01: Release of "Teaser And The Firecat" LP (Island ILPS 9154) "Teaser And The Firecat" LP hits US #2 and UK #3 NOVEMBER US only released "Peace Train" single hits US #7 Stevens tours the US Concert at the Philarmonic Hall in NYC 20: Concert, Opera House, Manchester DECEMBER Benefit concert for the CURE, Theatre Royal, London ------------------------ 1 9 7 2 ------------------------ Beauty Secrets - article - early 70's - 2 pics Many Lives of - Article - April 1972 3 pics 1972 (Victorian TV Week magazine) (Exact date of the magazine was September 9, 1972 from Seona Bellamy) Stevens, who arrived in Australia on August 20 (1972) early 70's (POET's CAT STEVENS) He has a reputation too for high class chicks. He lost Patti D'Arbanville to Jagger, but celebrated it with a good song. And there was also a liaison with Carly Simon, which seems to have been dangerous but certainly inspired another two songs. She sang about him (among her other men) on one of her albums. QUOTE ABOUT RUINS (POET's CAT STEVENS) "It's as close as I'll ever get to Vietnam - I won't even say the word. I had to imagine London, and in my mind I saw Oxford Street and the whole of my childhood, 'cause I'm trying to imagine when everything I know has been torn down". 1972 article from Rolling Stone Magazine JANUARY (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) January '72 would see a new compilation, titled "Very Young and Early Songs" (DES 18061), compound the victory as it headed northward to 94 during a 10 weeks stop over. Just thought you might like to know... "Morning Has Broken" single hits UK #9 FEBRUARY Release of compilation "Very Young And Early Songs" LP in US, reaches US #94 MAY "Morning Has Broken" single hits US #6 AUGUST World Tour through November visiting Japan, Australia, America and Europe On every stop Stevens' set was preceded with the showing of the animated film "Moonshadow". 20: arrival at Sydney Airport (from mailing list post by Charles Gauthier) Cat Stevens arrival in Sydney Australia on August 20, 1972. This event was compared to the arrival of the Beatles in 1964. From an Australian daily newspaper, The Age: "As soon as Stevens emerged from the customs gates, police and wildly enthusiastic fans surrounded him. Police had trouble protecting the pop singer. Police formed a ring round the stunned Stevens and tried to rush him to a waiting car but the fans broke through police lines, causing him to stumble and almost fall, as they tore at his clothing (!!!). The screaming girls followed Stevens out of the terminal, milling around the car and clambering on to the bonnet and boot in an attempt to catch a glimpse of their idol". SEPTEMBER 27: Release of "Catch Bull At Four" LP (Island ILPS 9206) 29: 31-date North American Tour with first concert at Shrine Auditorium, LA with supporting act Ramblin' Jack Elliott before a sold-out crowd of 6500. Stevens is accompanied by an 11 piece orchestra. Tour to be ending in Toronto, Canada. OCTOBER Release of "Can't Keep It In/Crab Dance" single (Island WIP 6152) 25: Concert, Curtis Hixon Hall, Tampa, FL 30: Concert, Cleveland, Ohio NOVEMBER "Catch Bull At Four" LP hits UK #2 Release of "Matthew And Son/I Love My Dog" single (Deram DM 406, re-issue) 12: Concert: Massey Hall, Toronto, ON 18: "Catch Bull At Four" LP hits US #1 ------------------------ 1 9 7 3 ----------------------- Happier Cat Stevens Article - (foreigner) 1973 (1 pic) Rolling Stone - 1973 - Foreigner review - 1 pic JANUARY "Can't Keep It In" single reaches UK #13 "Sitting" single reaches US #16 MARCH Stevens spends three weeks in Jamaica recording "Foreigner" at Dynamic Studios JUNE Release of "The Hurt/Silent Sunlight"" single (Island WIP 6163) JULY Release of "Foreigner" LP (Island ILPS 9240) AUGUST "Foreigner" LP hits UK and US #3 "The Hurt" single reaches US #31 NOVEMBER 09: ABC IN CONCERT special, taped at the Hollywood Bowl, Hollywood, CA ------------------------ 1 9 7 4 ------------------------ Pop goes the poof - 1974 - Buddha article 1 pic T shirt news bit - 1974(?) 1 pic Saturnight Recorded (released?) BAMBOOZLE REVIEWS - 2 1974 MARCH Release of "Oh Very Young/100 I Dream" single (Island WIP 6190) 19: BAMBOOZLE World Tour opens at the Apollo, Centre Glasgow 21: Release of "Buddha And The Chocolate Box" LP (Island ILPS 9274) Concert, Odeon, New Castle 23: Concert, Empire, Liverpool 24: Concert, New Theatre, Oxford 31: Concert, Coventry Theatre APRIL 04: Concert, Folkner Teatref, Copenhagen 06: Concert, Jahrunderthalle, Frankfurt 08: Concert, Salle Pleyel, Paris 11: Concert, Palasport, Rome 19: Concert, Forum, Montreal 20: Concert, Civic Centre, Ottawa 22: Concert, Ford Masonic, Detroit 23: Concert, Public Hall, Cleveland 24: Concert, Coliseum, Nassau 26: Concert, Music Hall, Boston 27: Concert, Princeton University 29: Concert, Memorial Coliseum, New Haven 30: Concert, Civic Centre, Providence MAY "Buddha" LP reaches UK #3 and US #2 "Oh Very Young" single reaches US #10 02: Concert, Coliseum, Hampton Roads 03: Concert, Capital Centre, Washington 04: Concert, Spectrum, Philadelphia 06: Concert, Auditorium Theatre, Chicago 14: Concert, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 15: Concert, Coliseum, Denver 17: Concert, The Arena Community Centre, Tuscon 19 and 20: Concert, Anaheim Convention Centre, Los Angeles 24: Concert, The Waikiki Shell, Honolulu JUNE 01 and 02: Concert, Hordern Pavilion, Sydney 06 and 07: Concert, Thabarton Hall, Adelaide 11 and 12: Concert, Festival Hall, Melbourne 15: Concert, Festival Hall, Brisbane 21 and 22: Concert, Sun Plaza Hall, Tokyo 26: Concert, Kaikan Hall, Kyoto 27: Concert, Koseinkin Hall, Osaka JULY 03: Concert, Oakland Coliseum, San Francisco 06: Concert, The Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis 07: Concert, Stadium, Chicago 09: Concert, Dane County Pavilion, Madison 10: Concert, Keil Auditorium, St-Louis 12: Concert, Coliseum, Memphis 14: Concert, Omni Auditorium, Atlanta 17: Concert, Madison Square Garden, New York City AUGUST Release of "Another Saturday Night/Home in The Sky" single (Island WIP 6206) SEPTEMBER "Another Saturday Night" single reaches UK #19 and US #6 Stevens lives as a tax exile in Rio de Janeiro DECEMBER Stevens spends Christmas in Spina, Switzerland ------------------------ 1 9 7 5 ------------------------ 1970's (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) Of special interest to him was the welfare of children, and he initiated a trust named "Hermes" to help youngsters in need. 1975 or 1976 (ROLLING STONE WHERE ARE THEY NOW) At the height of Stevens's success in the mid Seventies, his life took a fateful turn on a California beach. Swimming alone, he found himself fighting a strong current and being pulled away from shore. "Everything flashed in front of my eyes, my whole life" he says. "Oh God," I said, "if you save me, I'll work for you!" Immediately, a wave came from beland and pushed me forward. All of a sudden, I was swimming back." That pledge forever changed both the career and the life of Cat Stevens. "God never forgets," he says. "If somebody makes a promise, that promise, in God's sight, has to be fulfilled" A short time later, in 1973 [1975 or 76], his elder brother David handed him a copy of the Qur'an. He has been devoted to Islam ever since. JANUARY "Ready" single reaches US #26 FEBRUARY Stevens arrives at residential studio in Morin Heights, PQ, Canada where he writes new songs and records the "NUMBERS" LP during March and April. MARCH 12: Stevens joins Stevie Wonder on stage at the Forum in Montreal. MAY Release of "Two Fine People/Bad Penny" single (Island WIP 6238) Release of "The View From The Top" LP (Deram DPA 3019/20) JUNE 20: Release of "Greatest Hits" LP (Island ILPS 9310) AUGUST "Greatest Hits" LP reaches UK #2 and US #6 "Two Fine People" single reaches US #33 NOVEMBER Release of "Numbers" LP (Island ILPS 9370) Stevens rehearses with Davies, Lynch, Conway and Roussel in Frankfurt for the Majikat Tour. 30: MAJIKAT TOUR opens in Gothenburgh, Sweden DECEMBER Concerts, other continental dates 11: Concert, Empire Theatre, Liverpool, Merseyside 15: Concert, Royal Albert Hall, London 20: Concert, London's Hammersmith Odeon ------------------------ 1 9 7 6 ------------------------ (people magazine article (1 pic) Star Tracks) Cat Stevens loves the kids out there in the wild, wild world beyond his area of musical influence. After the 1976 earth- quake in Guatemala City he contribut- ed the gate from a Madison Square Garden appearance to UNICEF and since has earmarked further substan- tial funds for the Middle and Far East. To see how his money is being spent, the 29-year-old folk rocker toured Bangladesh and Egypt. He gave no concerts, except impromptu ones (he serenaded an 18-year-old Bangladesh chieftain), but drew SRO crowds everywhere. JANUARY Release of "Banapple Gas/Ghost Man" single (Island WIP 6276) "Numbers" LP reaches US #13 15: Concert, Lakeland, FL 16: Concert, Mobile, AL 18: Concert, Atlanta, GA 20: Concert, Baton Rouge, LA 28: Concert, Okalhoma City, OK 30: Concert, Tuscon, AZ FEBRUARY 02 and 03: Concert, Los Angeles, CA 05: Concert, Oakland, CA 07: Concert, Seattle, WA 09: Concert, Portland, OR 12: Concert, Denver, CO 16: Concert, Chicago, IL 17: Concert, Indianapolis, IN 19: Concert, Detroit, MI 20: Concert, Cleveland, OH 22: Concert, Williamsburgh, VA 23: Concert, Largo, MD 25: Concert, Philadelphia, PA 27: Concert, Boston, MA 28: Concert, New Haven, CT MARCH "Banapple Gas" single hits US #41 01: Concert, Uniondale, NY 04 and 05: Concert, NYC 07: Concert, Springfield, MA 08: Concert, Providence, RI 10: Concert, Forum, Montreal, PQ 11: Concert, Massey Hall, Toronto, ON Other Canadian dates APRIL AND MAY Majikat Tour concerts in Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Liechtenstein JUNE Majikat concerts in Greece ------------------------ 1 9 7 7 ------------------------ Release of "Cat's Craddle" LP in the US, in the archivial London Collectors' Edition series (LC 50010). (FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK LINER NOTES) In 1977, Cat Stevens embraced Islam and became Yusuf Islam (after the Prophet Joseph). In the years since, very little has been heard from him, resulting in much misinformation as to his lifestyle and whereabouts 1970's (late 1977?) ABOUT ISLAM He found the "road to salvation" after his reading of the Koran, the Islamic holy book. "I had all the jig-saw puzzle pieces but the light was switched off. The Koran turned on the light." He paid back the favor by making the Moslem pilgrimage to Mecca last year. "It was the most monumental period in my life," said the man who has made millions of dollars and held audiences of thousands spellbound for hours. APRIL Release of "Izitso" LP (Island ILPS 9451) MAY Release of "Days Of The Old Schoolyard/The Doves" single (Island WIP 6387) 21: Rod Stewart version of "The First Cut Is The Deepest" reaches UK #1 and US #21 JUNE "Izitso" LP reaches UK #18 and US #7 JULY "Old Schoolyard" single reaches UK #44 and US #33 DECEMBER 23 (Dates from TWRA release) who since his conversion to Islam on Dec 23, 1977 (Jan 16 1392, by Muslim calendar) has changed his name into Yusef Islam. Dec 1977 (THREE LINER NOTES) This resulted in him embracing Islam in December 1977. "Cat Stevens" became Yusuf Islam. 23: Stevens embraces officially Islam and changes his name to Yusuf Islam ------------------------ 1 9 7 8 ------------------------ JANUARY "Was Dog A Doughnut" single hits US #70 "In January of 1978, Steve accepted an invitation from UNICEF to tour third world countries and perform occasionally, and informally. He and Alun Davies travelled to Bangladesh where they stayed for a week and played two shows; then on to Alexandria, where one show was performed an an orphanage. In Egypt, they visited the Valley of Kings and Steve met an old lady who knew his father Stavros at the time he lived in Alexandria. For Alun Davies, it seemed that his relationship with Cat Stevens had turned the complete circle. "We were carrying our own guitars again, just like in the very beginning," he says. "We'd started that way eight years ago and then built up to a point where we had an enormous entourage... musicians, back-up singners, lighting men, roadies. Now we were back with just the two of us performing as a duo." (From Chris Charlesworth Bio) OCTOBER Release of "Back To Earth" LP (Island) ------------------------ 1 9 7 9 ------------------------ FEBRUARY Release of "Last Love Song/Nascimento" single (Island WIP 6465) "Back To Earth" LP reaches US #33 "Bad Brakes" single reaches US #84 SEPTEMBER 9: Marries Fouzia Ali at Kensington Mosque, London NOVEMBER 22 (FIRST CUTS LINER NOTES) making a final stage appearance on 22nd November 1979, "On November 22, 1979, Yusuf made a rare public appearance at a charity event at London's Wembley Empire Pool, in aid of "The Year Of The Child". It was his first performance on stage for four years and will probably be his last. "I really don't think it's where I should earn my money from now on," he told Evening Star columnist James Johnson after the event. "I enjoyed the show but my heart was with Allah". I don't think I'll be performing on stage again but I can't be dogmatic and say that I never will again. I just think that's not the way I want to go from now on." "Yusuf told Johnson that concerts were a cheap substitute for religious gatherings and that he had little contact with the music world. "Basically showbusiness is corrupt," he said. "A lot of people try very hard to get to the top and when they get there they find it is debauched. Look at Elvis Presley.... he was the King and he killed himself without knowing it. He allowed himself to slip and slip just to keep an image". "In the end who is the star? It's somebody who is hungry for a bit of praise, someone who is just looking for others to appreciate them. My family had split up - my mother and father had parted - and I needed something that gave me some reassurance. But when you get to the top and you find out it's corrupt what do you do? You have to look elsewhere for peace of mind and fulfilment". "At the Wembley concert Yusuf played just a few songs, including Father and Son, Where Do The Children Play and Morning Has Broken, and was supported for the last time by his faithful guitarist Alun Davies. Not long afterwards he gave away all of his guitars and, along with his gold records, they were auctioned for charity." (From Chris Charlesworth Bio) OCTOBER 1980: In October 1980, Yusuf journeyed to Mecca to make Haji, the Islamic term for a pilgrimage. 1981: August: Decca release of "The First Cut Is The Deepest" 1981 (The Sunday Sun, London, March 15, 1981 - ) "I have decided to record again but I am so new to Islam I couldn't possibly pretend to preach all the answers when my knowledge is so slim," said Islam, 32, in an exclusive interview with the "Sunday Sun" from his London home - his first with a journalist since 1976. With the help of some friends he has founded the Companion of the Mosque to help him spread the faith. "We print up copies of the Koran and give guidance to couples who want to get married," said Islam who was married for the first time to Moslem-born Umhasana in 1979. Their daughter Hasana - meaning reward from God - was born a few months ago He has written a book about his conversion, "Joseph Surrenders" - the English translation of his Moslem name - and is distributing it to whoever wants it. 1980's - HOW I CAME TO ISLAM ARTICLE 1980's (CAT THAT GOT THE QU'RAN Article) His conversion, however, has brought its own problems. He sued an American magazine, Globe, when an article erroneously suggested that he had gone to live in Iran and was being taught by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Like other Muslim parents, Yusuf Islam worries about his children's morals and their academic training - so much so that he decided to start a school for his eldest daughter, Hassana, near the family home. (He and his wife, Fawzia Ali, whom he married in 1979, have five children in all.) To this end, he paid £2.5 million to buy and renovate an old secondary school; ten years later, it has 308 pupils and a waiting-list of 1,000. 1983 (Dates from TWRA release) He leads the charity organisation "Muslim Aid" and teaches at the Islamiya School which he founded in 1983 in northern London suburb of Kilburn). 1983 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) In no time he'd disposed of all his material personal possesions, musical instruments included, and during 1983 founded the "Islamia Primary School" in a former triple story family house in Kilburn, London. 1984 Release of "Footsteps In The Dark" compilation LP. "Cat Stevens - The Definitive Career Biography" by Chris Charlesworth published. July 13th 1985 BBC Live Aid - from Mark Ellen interview (A gigantic question mark) "I was contacted by Goldsmith - what's his name? [Harvey Goldsmith] - and I went along. I didn't have any instrument or guitar with me. I had a sort of a cappella song written for the time called The End, which would have been the end I suppose! But I think people were slightly dubious as to what I might say or might do. I was considered a lia- bility They thought: let's let Elton run on a little longer and let's just ask for forgiveness. And they said, There isn't time." How did you feel? "That's God's will, that's the life of a Muslim!" He looks up confidentially. "Actually, I was quite relieved..." 1986 (ROLLING STONE WHERE ARE THEY NOW) In 1986 he used his former celebtity to draw attention to Moslem Aid, an organization that helps needy and famine-stricken Moslem families. 1988 (NEW MASTERS LINER NOTES) With the "Matthew And Son" CD issued In 1988 (820 560-2), this makes available on five inch silver metal Cat Stevens entire catalogue for Deram. 1989 New Masters CD Released. (I THINK) 1989 (CAT THAT GOT THE QU'RAN Article) In 1990, he pronounced on the Granada television programme Hypotheticals that, while he personally would not spoil Salman Rushdie's meal if he saw him eating with Fay Weldon in a restaurant, the author did deserve to die. The resulting uproar caused many United States radio stations to stop playing his music: WNEW FM in New York even offered copies of the Satanic Verses to listeners who sent in their Stevens records February 21st, 1989 Islam makes controversal statements March 2nd, 1989 Press release from Yusuf Issued March 18th, 1989 Several eminent British Muslim Jurists and Scholars at a special meeting held on 2nd Ramadan 1411 AH (18.3.91) at the request of the Islamic Community Council of the London Central Mosque declared Salman Rushdie's recent attempt to 're-embrace' Islam as invalid and unacceptable according to the legal code and conditions of Islamic Law. 1989 (RUSHDIE) (1995 - September - REUTER'S Prophet press release) He emerged from virtual isolation in 1989 to support a death sentence imposed by Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini on novelist Salman Rushdie, who was accused of blaspheming in his bestselling "Satanic Verses" . "The Koran makes it clear -- if someone defames the prophet, then he must die," Stevens said at the time. 1990 (Dates from TWRA release) In mid-90, Israeli authorities declared Y. Islam a persona non grata who, with his eight-year-old son, wanted to go to Tel Aviv. Late that year, Islam travelled to Iraq and succeeded in releasing a number of British Muslims who were taken hostages by Saddam Husein in the Kuwait war. July 1, 1990 (ISRAEL ARTICLE) Former pop singer Cat Stevens, now know as Yusuf Islam, was barred from entering Israel on Sunday by passport Officials. Airport officials said Islam, who took his name after converting to the muslim faith, was turned away as "an undesirable" along with his 8-year-old son, mohammad, after their British Airways jet landed about 4 a.m. They were met on arrival by passport officials and held at the airport for about four hours until the flight returned to London, officials said. 1990 Polygram records releases "The Very Best Of Cat Stevens" compilation. It reaches the Top Ten in many European countries. 1992 (Dates from TWRA release) In mid 1992, ex-Cat Stevens refused the offer of Levi's company to use his song "The First Cut Is the Deepest" in its propaganda. Late that year, his compilation Album "Greatest Hits" sold three million. 1993 (CAT THAT GOT THE QU'RAN Article) As with other religions, however, there are enormous tensions within Islam. (In 1993, a fellow worshipper accused Yusuf Islam of being an Israeli agent, before eventually issuing a public apology.) In a letter to his government, the Saudi ambassador asked for support to be withdrawn from the school because Yusuf Islam had failed to attend an event that celebrated Saudi Arabia. The letter was leaked in the UK by the Saudi dissident Dr Muhammad al-Masari: as a result, the Islamia School lost 85 per cent of its overseas funding. The good news is that its case for grant-maintained status has been bolstered by excellent academic results - since the girls started taking CCSES two years ago, they have topped the league tables in Brent. 1993 (CAT THAT GOT THE QU'RAN Article) One way has been through the musical seerah (biography of Muhammad) which he began recording in 1993. The two-CD set, 1993 (Dates from TWRA release) Early in March 1993, Yusuf Islam, president of Islamic Association of northern London won the court procedure against the magazine "Private Eye" due to slander in the article claiming that he gave 80,000 pounds to buy arms for mujehidins in Afghanistan instead being used for humanitarian aid. The money he was awarded as indemnity he gave away to humanitarian fund. 1995 - September - REUTER'S Prophet press release 1995 (CAT THAT GOT THE QU'RAN Article) The Lfe of the Last Prophet was released last year, and hit Number One in Turkey. 1996 (CAT THAT GOT THE QU'RAN Article) During Ramadan, music is usually banned from television in Malaysia: this year, the CDS and video from Last Prophet were played non-stop. 1996 (Dates from TWRA release) A year ago, in a letter to the "Irish Times", Y. Islam denied the claim of a reader that his hit "Father and Son" was used as a soundtrack in the anti Salman Rushdiecampaign. August 17th, 1996 Toledo Blade - Life on Mars The faith of the faithful is only enhanced by the possibility of life as we don't know it. But what religion would aliens adopt-if any? Yusuf Islam-the former pop singer Cat Stevens, who converted to Islam-believes that Martian life would be more problematical for Christianity than for Islam. The Koran refers to Allah as "Lord of the worlds" and has a sophisticated theology of "jinns," spirits who "live in the heavens" and affect our lives in ways we cannot know. Beings in space, on Mars or wherever, pose no problem. "The Prophet Mohammad was sent as a mercy to all the worlds," he says, quoting the Koran. "Islam is for the whole universe, not just for this earth. We could start preaching on Mars as soon as we get the visa." (Thanks to Haney M. Nimr for providing me with this press release... ) January, 1997 (Dates from TWRA release) Islam's album was announced in Sarajevo last weekend at a concert with free admission AT WHICH ISLAM SANG A SONG FROM HIS NEW ALBUM ending in that way his three-day visit to Sarajevo. January 21, 1997 - Bosnian Album Press release #1 Jan 28, 1997 (Press TWRA) - Bosnian Press release #2