The Wierd and Wonderful World of Nufnuf!

So.. you wanna know more about NUFNUF?

I'm 22 years old, female and I live in Melbourne, Australia. I love teddy bears .. i have a collection of them in my bed room. :O)

A couple of my "love to do things" are softball and Baseball, performing (acting and singing), PARTYING "

I love to go out have fun and drink alot, it is my favourite past time. All my frends rule so it makes it easier.

I Love the Tori Amos, heres a little picture of her I know its rather crappy I stole it from some web site.

I am a Primary teacher. I am Teaching at Bellbridge Primary School grades Prep, one and two (multiage classroom). Which is the first three years of school. They are my babies, all 28 of them, and i love teaching them. :O) I also take the Chior group and the grade 5/6 Softball.

I have a Suzuki Belino (car) and I love it!.

For those of you that don't know, a nufnuf is an idiot, if you are a nufnuf.. why are you trying to hide it? Come out of the closet and join all of us nufnufs, have a bit of --:O)

This poem was sent to me, from my dog's vet, the day after he died. He was five years old, and had suffered from skin allergys which we could not pin point. He was put to sleep 13 July 1998 and will forever me remembered. This poem is dedicated to him.

Muggsy- If it should be

You will be sad - I understand,

Don't let your grief then stay your hand,

For this day more then all the rest,

Your love for me must stand the test.

We've had so many happy years,

What is to come can hold no fears,

You'd not want me to suffer so,

The time has come please let me go.

I know in time that you will see,

The kindness that you did for me,

Although my tail its last has waved,

From pain and suffering I've been saved.

Please don't grieve it must be you

Who has this painful thing to do,

We've been so close we two these years,

Don't let your heart hold back its tears.

Muggsy: July 1993 - Died July 13th 1998. Peace be with him.

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