My Life, Friends and Family

My Past to Present (not the band...ewwww)
I was Born in Melbourne year 1979 at the Royal Womens Hospital. I was 0ne month Premiture and very tiny.. hehehe. Anyway, my family and i was living in Sale, Victoria. My father being in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), we moved from sale to Adelaide, South Australia. I attended Kindergarden there and basically ran a roit, as you would at ages 2-4. From Adelaide we were posted to Perth, Western Australia. I remember Perth a great deal, although a small city, my little world consisted of the suburb Heathridge, and Eddystone Primary School. I remember my teachers well, especally Mr Burke, my grade 5 teacher and Miss Pree, my fun loving grade 2 teacher. We lived in Perth for 5 years and I was 11 years old when my family again got posted, for the final time.

Melbourne, Victoria, was our new destination and i was full of excitment as we travelled along the southern towards the eastern states of Australia. When we got to Melbourne i felt that it wasn't what I had thought.I have just graduated from my course, which was a Bachelor of Education at VUT, Footscray, and I abandoned my post as Coles Supermarket. I am now a Primary school teacher and I I am teaching grade prep, one and two composite, at Bellbridge Primary School. I live with two lovely laides Davina and Fiona in a small but cosey three bedroom house. We all have sooooo much fun!

Me again :O)

My Brother Daniel, is working for a company called Price Waterhouse and Coopers,which is like, computer programming etc...

my brother Danny,

My mother is a Medical Records Clerk at Western General Hospital, Footscray. My father,works RMIT, a universtiy in Melbourne.

My mum, Carol, and dad, Kev, the perfect pair.

I have a very computery family...:O/

These pictures are of my cousins Sarah (Thats not her baby) and Joshua when he went to Europe.


My freinds


Cheryl, on of my best friends in the whole wide world, is more like a sister to me then anything. I met her in Primary school and, our dads being in the Air Force at some stage of our lives, we got acquainted while my dad was buying a computer. The very first time we "hung out" together was at her humble home. My family went over to her house to get fixed up with the new computer. My brother and dad in the study, Cheryl’s and my mum in the lounge room, sipping cups of coffee and talking about how hard it is to raise children. Cheryl and I were playing board games and talking about school. We both remember that day well, as we both got our butts kicked for laughing so hard that had to be put in separate rooms as punishment. Yet poor parents could still hear us laughing through the walls, there wasn’t anyway of spoil our fun!

After that one night, who would have ever known, that in year 9 of high school, we would be reunited in the classroom. I can remember how absolutely terrified I was of being in her class, because of a few high school idiots I didn’t want to be acquainted with. Yet Cheryl was so excited she ran up to me and a former friend and saying "BEC, BEC, oh cool your in my class! You can hang out with me :O)" I was lucky to have her and her smiling face, she made things so much easier for me. It was good to have someone to smile at being in such a classroom atmosphere.

There was one particular time, when I needed her the most and she was there. Cheryl was always there to pick my sprits up. Eventually we grew closer and I realised that Cheryl was a true friend.

It has been a few years since then and Cheryl still remains a truest friend. She has lightened up my life and made me laugh every time I have felt saddened. We do everything together, from driving to the beach, seeing other friends, to going to concerts and spending all our money on CDs that we "just have to have!" Those of you who know Cheryl, either in real life, or on IRC (^CeNedra^, Bliss), will know what I am talking about. Anf, I hope you know you are very lucky to have cheryl for a girlfriend.

This is to Cheryl, my sister. All the best in your future choices, may we live next door to each other so I can borrow your cooking utensils and gossip over the fence, or in our kitchens. LOVE YA DUDE!!

From Left : Devika, Ashley, Davina, Luke and Me. Going to Halloween Goo, at the Metro Nightclub 1998.


Davina, My housemate. Another girl whom I consider a sister to me more then a friend. You are my spiritual guide and life long friend.

<> A picture on Davina and myself in Jan 2002.


Fiona is my other housemate and she is sooooooo cool. It didnt take much for us to realise we both had ALOT in common.

Tammy and Barry:

This is for Tammy and Barry parents to a beautiful baby girl and boy, Caitlyn and Daniel . She is known for getting her words mixed up, for example "Oh quick, I’m God" instead of "Oh God, I’m quick." Tammy has brought laughter and fun into high school days.


Otherwise known as ‘De’ is my dancing partner! De really knows how to party and have a good time. She is recently married to Carmal, who i dont know very well. :OP.

From left:Devika, Tammy and Cheryl (Cenedra)

Andrew AWE:

Andrew has a really special place in my heart. He has dropped everything in the past to be my friend. I wish you all the best with Belinda, another friend of mine :OP. I hope he remembers me when he is a rich and famous politician, share holder, or business man :OP . If not just to remember me would be great :O)

Brenda and Greg:

Here is to Brenda and Greg, thanks for the laughs, kindness and friendship. I know her well enough to know that she will now be bragging that she is on the internet.


ROBBIE is the funniest and greatest guy on earth. A night out with Robbie is never dull, in fact, a conversation with him is never dull!

Narrelle and Paul:

To the most happiest girl I know. You and Paul are two people I truley respect and look up to. Narrelle your smile will light up your day. All of those who know Narrelle, will always have a sence of trust and openess when around her.


Peta! you are such a Demi Moore! your Beautiful, elegent, wonderful! But most importantly your my friend! Thanks for the fun times, hope to catch up with you soon, it has been a while. I hope everything is going well! Stay cool.

Ben and Jen:

Ben and Jen I haven't known for very long, but in the recent year that I have known then they have grown to be two of my very loving friends. These guys rock, they always know how to make me smile and are full of energy!


A picture of Ben and Jen from My 21st Birthday


Kev i have known from work and over the recent year we have become good friends. He always keeps me on my toes and is lots of fun to hang with!


Adam is my boy, he is a lil cuite. I used to work at coles with him now i am his neighbour. He loves to come over and sit on our couch and every now and then get some "man-whore" training(doing dishes and folding washing etc.)


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