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Crazy Ass People

Well, here's a page dedicated to all my those who are close to me, and those who I have never even met in person...these people have all touched my heart in one way or another. Now I'm gonna let them know how much I care about them, even if I make fun of them a's my special way of "caring"..hee hee.

  • First of all, to my husband, Eddie, I love you forever and always...without you I would have nothing...sniff, sniff!

  • To Jessica~~You are the craziest cousin that anybody could ever ask for! You always surprise me with new ideas and beliefs, but I still love ya no matter what, you're my fave cousin and a really great friend...(you little hoe) : )

  • Chandi~~We've been friends for 5 years now, and I know we've had lots of arguments, but they weren't enough to break up our friendship...overall, you have been a pretty great best friend.

  • Nicole~~You have been one of the sweetest, most understanding friends I have ever had...we've never had a fight in the entire 5 years we've been friends except for the one where I supposedly called you a bitch (which I honestly do not remember, so it doesn't count!), but other than that we have been the best of friends!! It's great that even after you moved to Illinois, we've kept in touch, you are one of my best friends!!

  • Karla~~I know we've never met in person, but the first time we chatted, I felt like we had been friends forever! Hopefully we can stay friends even if we never meet...maybe you will meet Tupac one day and you can run away with him and get married...or maybe you can run into him somewhere and hump on his leg or something!


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