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undefined My Beanies Collection- I'm crazy about them, can't get enough! They are cute cuddly, colorful, have great poems,

Beanie Babies!

What web page wouldn't be complete withought "beanie stuff" on it? No, this doesn't mean my page is complete yet.

New News

In case you've been out of it for a while, there are some new beanie babies! I'm not gonna bother to list the retired ones, but here are the pictures! I think these new ones are some of the cutest yet!

Ants the anteater Birthday - November 7, 1997

Early the robin Birthday - February 20, 1997

Fetch the golden retreiver Birthday - February 4, 1997

Fortune the panda Birthday - December 6, 1997

Gigi the poodle Birthday - March 7, 1997

Glory the bear Birthday - July 4, 1997

Jabber the parrot Birthday - October 10, 1997

Jake the mallard duck Birthday - April 16, 1997

Kuku the cockatoo Birthday - January 5, 1997

Rocket the blue jay Birthday - March 12, 1997

Stinger the scorpion Birthday - September 29, 1997

Tracker the bassett hound Birthday - June 5, 1997

Whisper the deer Birthday - April 5, 1997

Wise the owl Birthday - May 31, 1997

TY, as a carefully planned marketing trick, has decided to make a club. That costs 10 dollars to join. BUT, it's not a complete rip off, you get a chance to BUY the club Beanie Baby. OH, and you get a big poster with cute little stickers of all the beanies. Now that's a good idea. Back to clubby, she's blue with the club logo on her, and really pretty like Princess and Erin.

That's all the news so far, I'll add any more that you e-mail me though.

Beanie Links

Beanie Mom


Beanie Baby Official Club

Kim 'n Keven's Collectibles

C Toys

Do you have a beanie web page? I might add a link, just e-mail the address to me!

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