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Hey! Are you getting tired of getting online and being driven to absolute bordem? Do you want to FINALLY meet someone online? Well through a complex system of questions I can find you an internet boyfriend/girlfriend! This process (wich, by the way, i didnt come up with=) ) will find your perfect match and maybe you might even get to meet them!

All you have to do is send an email to with the 'DATE' as the subject. In the body,include your name, age, and answer these four questions and I'll send the results to you whenever I get a match for you. Here are the questions-
1.What celebrity do you think would make a perfect husband/wife?

2.What all would go on during a 'perfect date' for you?

3.Are you an 'innie' or an 'outie'?

4.What type of person are you looking for?

There you have it.... just answer all of these and send your responce to here and Ill get back to you on who your 'perfect match' is!