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undefined Weather Prediction Chart

Weather Prediction Chart

With a barometer, a wind vane and an eye to the sky, you can predict the weather.

This is an old chart that shows you how to interpret the information. I first saw this chart in the book "Weather" by Herbert Zim, though it can be found in many other places. I don't know if the book is still in print. I used this chart years ago when I did my own weather forecasts, and it works rather well.

SW To NW 30.10 to 30.20, steady Fair with little temp. change for 2 days
SW To NW 30.10 to 30.20, rising fast Fair followed by precipitation in 2 days
SW To NW 30.20 or above, steady Continued fair with little temp. change
SW To NW 30.20 or above, falling slowly Slowly rising temp; fair for 2 days
S To SE 30.10 to 30.20, falling slowly Precipitation within 24 hours
S To SE 30.10 to 30.20, falling fast Increasing wind; precipitation in 12 - 24 hours
SE To NE 30.10 to 30.20, falling slowly Precipitation in 12 - 18 hours
SE To NE 30.10 to 30.20, falling fast Wind rising; precipitation within 12 hours
E To NE 30.10 or above, falling slowly Rain (snow) within 24 hours in winter
E To NE 30.10 or below, falling fast Precipitation, wind
SE To NE 30.00 or below, falling slowly Steady rain for 1 - 2 days
SE To NE 30.00 or below, falling fast Rain and high wind clearing in 36 hours
S to SW 30.00 or below, rising slowly Clearing within a few hours then fair
S to E 29.80 or below, falling fast Severe storm imminent, clearing in 24 hrs
E to N 29.80 or below, falling fast Severe northeast gale, precipitation
Going to W 29.80 or below, rising fast Clearing and colder

Naturally there are other factors than these, but this gives you a rough guide to start with.

This table is almost entirely based on the chart in the book "Weather" by Paul Lehr, R. Will Burnett and Herbert S. Zim, Ph.D., Sc.D. Published by Golden Books, New York, revised edition 1987, page 145.

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