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The Miracle of Life!

At 27th January 1998 I was borned. I breathed my very first
gasp of air at 10.06 am (+1 CET) and since then I´ve been wondering
the beauty of this earth.
My father and mother are always telling me that I´m the most beautiful
and adorable person there is in the whole wide world and they love me
like nothing else. And I think they really mean that (why, they´re
repeatin´ it like a 100 times a day...).
My father hasn´t been able to scan my picture yet so you won´t be able to
see what I look like, but when you do, I´m sure you share my parents opinion
about me. Selfcentered me? Nooooo.. :-)

So, wanna know more about me? Bet you do...
Sorry that I can´t translate these measurements to ones that some of you use
but afterall I´m only ´bout 2,5 weeks old as I write this so gimme some slack, will you?

Height: 51 cm (when borned)
Weight: 3570 g (when borned)
Eyes: Deep blue
Sex: Male
Hair: Dark brown and thick
Status: Single (just looking for that "Miss Right"...)
Parents: Very proud

My father made a poem he would like to add here on my page, so I guess
I´ll let him do that...
Here goes:

*Is it your smile or is it your grin,
is it something that comes from within?
Is it that you could never do harm
or is it that curve of your lip when you yawn?
I´m not sure what it is, don´t know where it´s from,
But I do know this.....
You are much loved.

From the day you were born, I´ve been like sky high,
If I were to lose you, I would rather die.
I would die thousand times, I´d suffer agony and pain.
If I were to lose you,...... My world would end right today.*

This is called "Much Loved" and I wrote this on my way
to hospital to visit my wife and son.

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