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Pikahcu Forest

Pokemon Yellow Version For Game Boy

This page will tell you about the Yellow Version of the Pokemon game. Happy reading!

About The Yellow Version

Pokemon Yellow! Pokemon Yellow is based on Pikachu, the most famous monster in the Pokemon games. He has just gotten himself his own Pokemon game(That's why I used him for my layout)! Pokemon Yellow is going to be one of the upcoming Pokemon titles coming for Game Boy. It was just annouced!

In this game, there are new graphics, such as new looks for monsters in the PokeDex to make it look like it does in the shows, as well as new, more detailed descriptions on the monsters in the PokeDex. Pokemons are now located in different locations. The biggest change is instead of picking the 3 starter Pokemon, you get Pikachu, just like Ash does! Another aspect is that Piakchu doesn't stay in his Pokeball, he follows lyou everywhere you go on the sceen!

Also, as you move around, Pikachu's picture will occasionally appear on the screen showing how he feels, which makes this game have a virtual pet engine and feeling.

Plus, you can duel with your friend's pokemon, as you can with other Pokemon games, but this time, you'll find three new contests, the Nintendo Cup, the Yellow Cup, and the Fantasy Cup. Also, if you have the Game Boy Printer(Sold seperately), you can print out your PokeDex Album's pictures of the Pokemon that you captured. With this new addition, you can now prove that you caught some PokeGods without lying! This will surely stop the rumors on the PokeGods if they are real or not!

Changes in the game includes his own picture on the title screen and intro, and his "sound" on the title screen. And, the game is compatible with Pokemon Stadium too when playing the gameboy game on your N64. And as a bonus, it will be in 3D when playing on the N64! I can't wait for the Yellow Version to come out.

Publisher Nintendo
Developer Game Freak/Nintendo
Type RPG/Virtual Pet
System Game Boy
Players 1-2 players simultaenously
Memory 4 megabits
Save Cartridge
ESRP Rating Everyone
Release Date Yellow- U.S.- 1999?
Yellow- Japan - September 12, 1998

Screen Shots From The Game
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