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Pikachu Forest


On this page, there will be all the codes on the net that I found&have tested out myself! Remember, all of these codes posted up here will work, just give it some time!

-Fight Safari Pokemon At Cinnibar Island-

To fight and capture Safari Zone Pokemon outside of the zones, first go into any zones. Let the time run out when you're standing in a patch of grass which holds the Pokemon you want to catch. Step back outside and use FLY to Fly back to Cinnabar Island. Using SURF, surf up and down the right side of the shoreline, where you are half on shore and half in the water. You should then enter some battles with Safari Zone Pokemon! No more bait or rocks! It's sleep and Confuse Ray! This also works with other areas of the game where you find wild Pokemon.

-Duplicate A Pokemon-

You need a friend for this. Trade the pokemon to be cloned and have you friend get a pokemon they dont care about. Trade them, and make sure the person getting the bad pokemon can see the other's screen. When the reciever of the good pokemon's screen says "waiting", get ready to shut the other one off. When waiting disapears, turn off the Game Boy that's getting the bad pokemon. When the other one says trade completed, turn that one off too. When you turn the games back on, you should both have the pokemon. Warning! This could delete a saved game as I have heard!

-Ghost PC-

Go to Celadon City and make your way to the hotel. Go to the far right wall and make Ash or whome ever stand where he usually stands to open a PC in the PokeCenter. Press A and an invisble PC will appear!

-Fish In Statues At Gyms-

It's wierd, but you can fish in statues! Simply use the rod! Sometimes you can find rare water Pokemon this way.

-Start With 3 Starter Pokemon-

Requires:2 linkable game boy systems,2 pokemon games(any color),and a game link cable NOTE:Make sure that Game Boy B takes Bulbasaur to start and then you`ll see the rest of the code below.

1.Start a new game with Game Boy A

2.Go to Prof. Oak`s and get Squirtle

3.Go to nearest pokemon center and trade squirtle to Game Boy B

4.Start new game with Game Boy A

5.Repeat 2-4

6.Go to proff. Oak`s and get Charmander

7.Go to nearest pokemon center and trade Charmander to Game Boy B

8.Start new game with Game Boy A

9.Repeat 6-8

10.Go to Proff Oak`s and get Bulbasaur

Game Boy B should have 2 Squirtles and 2 Charmanders,so trade one of each back to Game Boy A

-5 Moon Stones-

Just a little thing I thought could go on the secrets or walk-through page. There are five Moon Stones, three of which are visible, two of which are not.

1) In the upper-lefthand corner of the first floor of Mt. Moon.

2) In the basement of the game corner.

3) In the bottom-right corner of Route 2 (CUT).

4) In Mt. Moon, before the supernerd's platform, there is a corridor 4 spaces long and 1 space wide, go to the end of it and press A and poof! you have a Moon Stone.

5) In the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island, go up to the right side of one of the pillars on the right-hand side near the entrance hit A and it will say you found a Moon Stone.

-Unlimited Chances To Catch The 4 Rare Pokemon-

Here is a good trick to get as many shots as you want to catch a Snorlax, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, and a Mewtwo Pokemon! First, find a rare Pokemon. Then, right before you go into battle with it, save the game at that point. Finally, you can battle the Pokemon without worrying that you didn't catch it. If you screw up and you make it faint, just stop where you are and shut off the game.Then you can turn it back on, select continue. You should be saved right before getting into battle with the Pokemon!

-Better Pokeballs-

I have done this trick a few times with it working. When throwing an original Pokeball, press Up+B to make it spin around almost as fast as a Master Ball! There is also another one with the Great Ball. When throwing a Great Ball, press Down+B to make it spin just like a Master Ball itself! Unfortunately, I haven't ever made it work with the Ultra Balls.

-Catch A Missingno.-

Before you can fight Missingno. you have to go in the first door inside the pokemon lab on Cinnibar Island and trade with the trainer with the Electrode in there. Then keep surfing up and down the shore on the right of the Cinnibar Islands to eventually fight a Missingno.! But beware, this Pokemon is weak in everything except its Attack stats, and to top it off, it will screw up your hall of fame. So my recommendation to you is not to even try this trick!

-Trick To Wake Up A Pokemon With Rest Skill-

When you carry a Pokemon with the skill Rest, make sure to carry a PokeFlute! Just make your Pokemon use Rest and then on the next turn in battle, use the PokeFlute to wake it up!

-Infinite Items-

1.)Find a rare candy or instance.

2.)Move rare candy to the sixth spot on your item page.

3.)Fly to viridian city.

4.)Talk to the old man who teaches you how to catch pokemon.

5.)Answer no, that you are not in a hurry and let him teach you again.

6.)Then fly to cinnabar island and surf up and down the right side(where land+water meet).

7.)When you run into a strange pokemon with a blurred name run away from it.

8.)Look in your item page at the rare candy,it will have a mark next to the number 9.

9.)this means that you have more than 100 rare candies. This works for any items in the 6th spot.

-Getting A Metapod or Kakuna That Has Attacks-

First, you must capture a Caterpie , or a Weedle, before they're in level 7 (level 7 is when they evolve into Metapod/Kakuna) *Note: In doing this, you do not get Harden.* Yet another note: They will only stay in Kakuna/Metapod for three levels,after that you get Butterfree/Beedrill.

-Catching Dratinis-

To better catch Dratinis, you have to catch at least one. Once you have one, leave the Safari Zone. Come back again (with the Super Rod, mind you) and go to any body of water. The closet one will work. Use the Super Rod, but HOLD "A" when it says USE/TOSS. Then, your chances of catching a Water Pokemon are increased, though you might get, "Not even a nibble!" a few times. I'm not 100% guranteeing that you will get Dratini, but you have high chances. Another way to do it is: Go into the Safari Zone and fish with the Super Rod. If you already have a Dratini, they become more common. Wait a while because it takes a while. Also, if you lose Dratini, it helps to go to another body of water and fish again. This trick does not always work, so be sure to try it more than once.

-Secret Coins-

There are hidden coins lying around in the Game Corner. You can pick them up by walking around and pressing the A button.

-Easy Level Gain-

To easily gain experience, simply switch the Pokémon you want to train with the top Pokémon on your list. When you go into battle the Pokémon will pop out. You can then switch to another Pokémon. Once you win the battle the beginning Pokémon and the fighting Pokémon will both gain experience points. This is a very good way to get experience for your weak Pokemon, like a Magicarp.

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