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Pikachu Forest


On this page, you will see and find the walkthrough for the Pokemon Games! I only have part of this walkthrough so I will try and get more as soon as I can. Happy reading!

Pallet Town

Pokemon Found 001: Bulbasaur, 004 Charmander, 007 Squirtle

The game starts off in your (Ash's) house. Go downstairs and say good-bye to your mom before heading out to capture Pokemon. You can leave town by going north, but first visit Gary's house (your Rival), then Professor Oak's lab. The Prof. isn't in, so being to walk up the northern path. Before you can enter the grassy fields, Prof. Oak will run up and stop you from going in. He will tell you that there are wild Pokemon that could attack, then he will escort you back to his lab. There, he will let you and Gary choose among three of his Pokemon. After you pick a Pokemon, Gary will challenge you to your first match.

Vs. Gary

Your first battle will be a heated one, especially if you choose Bulbasaur. If you win, you'll get a couple of bucks, but if you lose, your Pokemon will faint and Gary will take all the bragging rights. Take your fainted Pokemon home to your mom for medical treatment, then head out of town into the wild.

Route 1

Pokemon Found 016 Pidgey, 019 Rattata

On your first journey into Route 1, you won't be able to capture any Pokemon. You can only fight for experience. You can't purchase any Pokeballs until you deliever the package to Prof. Oak. Wild Pokemon tend to live in grassy areas, so avoid tall grass if your Pokemon is weak. Head north to reach Viridian City. You may also bump into other Pokemon trainers. Some may only want to give you sage advice, but others may want to fight!

Viridian City

Viridian City is only slightly bigger than Pallet Town, with it's own Pokemon Center, Pokemon Mart, and a Gym. The Gym is usually a busy hangout for Pokemon Trainers all over, but this one is closed (for now). The friendly citizens will gladly help you out with any questions you have. Drop by the Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon, then head towards the Pokemon Mart. Once inside, the clerk will ask you to take a package to Prof. Oak. Run back to Pallet Town and deliver the package to get a Pokedex. As long as you're in Pallet Town, drop by Gary's house and get a map from his sister. When you return to Viridian City, stock up on Pokeballs and return to Route 1 to capture a few Pokemon. If you continue on to Route 2, buy a couple of Antidotes to cure any Poison attacks you will encounter.

Route 2

Pokemon Found 010 Caterpie, 013 Weedle, 016 Pidgey, 019 Rattata

On your way north, you will see items on the other side of the trees, but you won't be able to reach them (not yet). Route 2 has a few Pokemon and trainers to worry about, but you should worry about the forest ahead.

Viridian Forest

Pokemon Found 010 Caterpie, 011 Metapod, 016 Pidgey, 019 Rattata

There are lots of trainers hanging around in the forest, so be sure to have at least three Pokemn in your possession. As you wander around the forest, you will find items misplaced by other trainers. You will also find, if you're lucky, a Pikachu. If you capture one, it can be helpful later on, especially if you don't have Bulbasaur.

Items found in the Forest




Pewter City

Pewter City is much bigger than Viridian City, and it has a Pokemon museum as well. The museum has several interesting exhibits, but you won't understand their meaning until later in the game. Talk to the townsfolk to learn more about the surrounding land, then head towards the gym to do battle with Brock, the Gym Leader.

Pewter City Gym

You must first battle Jr. Trainer before you can take on Brock. The Jr. Trainer has a Diglet and a Sandshrew.

Vs. Brock

Squinty-eyed Brock will challenge you when you first meet him. He controls a Geodude and an Onix, both powerful Rock Pokemon. Bulbasaur or Squirtle will fare the best against the enemy. If you don't have either of them, a Level 16 Pikachu will have to do. Once you defeat him, he will give you the Pewter Badge and some sage advice

Pewter Museum

Return back after you win the Cascade Badge and the Cut HM (on the S.S. Anne) and cut down the bush on the right side of the Museum entrance. Follow the path to a smaller house. Inside, a scientist will give you the Old Amber. Perhaps you can use it for something....

Route 3

Pokemon Found: 016 Pidgey, 021 Spearow, 039 Jigglypuff, 153 Magikarp

The pathway to Mt. Moon is infested with Pokemon Trainers, all looking for a fight. Try to have plenty of Pokemon with you to handle anything thrown at you. A Pokemon Center will be convieniently neat the mountain entrance, giving you a chance to heal your battered Pokemon.

Mt. Moon

Pokemon Found: 135 Clefairy, 041 Zubat, 046 Paras, 074 Geodude

Mt. Moon is the breeding ground for Zubats, a poison/flying Pokemon that only come out in the darkness. They tend to swoop down from the ceiling when you least expect it. If you have a Pikachu, put him ahead of the pack, because its Thunder Shock will take down the Zubats with one hit. Plenty of trainers are down here as well, trying to find rare Geodudes, but they will take time out to challenge you. You will also encounter Team Rocket for the first time. They are mining out minerals from Mt. Moon. Since they are expert Pokemon Trainers, you should be very cautious when confronting them. If you find yourself in a sticky situation, use the Escape Rope to get out of the cave immediatly. You will also find lots of items on the cavern floor.

Items Found in Mt. Moon

*Potion (2)

*Rare Candy

*Escape Rope

*Moon Stone

*HP Up

*TM 01

*TM 12

Route 4

Pokemon Found: 016 Pidgey, 019 Rattata, 023 Ekans (R), Sandshrew (B)

You will find a few trainers and Pokemon on the path to Cerulean City. It won't be too bad to find a TM dropped along the path as well. Keep in mind that once you jump over the barrier, you won't be able to get back over.

Items Found along Route 4

*TM 04

Cerulean City

If you want a faster way to travel, the Bike Shop has just the thing for you...for the low cost of only...1,000,000$? You will also find a house that has been ransacked by Team Rocket, but you won't be able to enter until after you defeat Misty and cure Bill (on Route 25).

Cerulean City Gym

Misty is the leader of the Cerulean Gym, and she loves water Pokemon. You can tell because she has converted the Gym into a pool! Two other Trainers will challenge you before you can take on Misty, but Pikachu or Bulbasaur can blow them out of the water.

Vs. Misty

Swimsuit clad Misty likes to swim, but she simply loves to battle. She packs Water Pokemon, a Staryu and a Starmite. If you have Bulbasaur or Pikachu, you will win this battle fairly quickly. Misty, rather impressed, will give you her Cascade Badge and a TM 11 for a job well done.

Route 24 & 25

Pokemon Found: 010 Caterpie, 011 Metapod, 013 Weedle, 014 Kakuna, 016 Pidgey, 043 Oddish (R), 063 Abra, 069 Bellsprout (B)

After you defeat Misty, the path to the north will open up. But before you can go very far, Gary will show up once again to make trouble.

Vs. Gary

Gary has added three Pokemon to his arsenal, an Abra, a Rattata, and a Pidgeotto. A heavily built up Pikachu or Bulbasaur (which should have evolved to an Ivysaur by now) has the best chance. Defeat Gary to send him off in a fit.

As you continue onto the bridge, you will be challenged by six members of Team Rocket. Their Pokemon are tough, so return to the Pokemon Center after each battle to heal your monsters. When you defeat all six, you will get a valuable Nugget as a reward. Sell it off to get 5000$. Continue to the east where you will find even more Pokemon Trainers. Once you get past them, you will find the Sea Cottage.

Bill the Pokemaniac

Poor Bill has turned himself into a Pokemon! If you help him out, Bill will give you a ticket to board the S.S. Anne, a cruiseship for only the best Pokemon Trainers!

Items Found on Routes 24 & 25

*TM 18

*TM 45

Routes 5 & 6

After you help out Bill, return to Cerulean City and visit the house that was robbed. Head into the backyard and confront the Team Rocket Member. Defeat him to get a TM 28. Use it's DIG ability to immediatly escape from dungeons. Continue down to the south. Routes 5 holds some rare Pokemon, such as Meowth or Mankey. You will also find a Pokemon daycare.

Pokemon Daycare

The man here runs a daycare, and will raise one of your Pokemon for a 100$ per level charge. Drop off a young Pokemon and don't forget to drop by later.

Toll Booth

The road ahead is under constrution and the guard won't let you go ahead. He will mention that he is thirsty. Perhaps you can can bribe your way past him with a cool beverage...

Underground Path

This path will bring you to Vermilion City. The pathway has many hidden items, but you need the Item Finder to detect them. You get the item finder later on in the game. On the other end of the tunnel, a kid will want to trade his Nidoran Male for a Nidoran Female.

Vermilion City

Vermilion City is a huge port town, always busy with activity. It's even more hectic today, because the great Pokemon trainer luxury liner is docked at the bay! Aboard are the best trainers in the world!

Old Man's House

Talk to the old man to hear his tales of the sea. He will give you the Old Rod for your time.

Little Kid's House

This little kid has raised a Farfetch'd from an egg, but sadly it has grown to big for him. He will trade you the bird for a common Spearow.

Pokemon Fan Club

The long winded chairman will give a big speech about Pokemon. Stick around long enough for the whole speech and he will give you a Bike Voucher, good for a free Bike back in Cerulean City!

S.S. Anne

The exclusive ship is for only the most prestegious trainers. Flash the Ticket you got from Bill and step aboard! The word on the ship is that the Captain is seasick, and the ship can't leave port until he is well. Once aboard the ship, be sure to enter every cabin to search for items. However, some passangers won't be so pleased about being barged in on! The passangers mostly carry Water Pokemon, so put Pikachu at the head of the party. To gain the most experience possible, fight all the trainers aboard before you see the Captain.

Vs. Gary

How did Gary hook passage on this ship? Before you can ask, Gary is using a fake French accent and tossing Poke-balls at you. Slap the fake accent out of his mouth and continue on to the captain.

Captain's Quarters

The Captain is suffering from seasickness and the ship can't launch until he feels better. Help out the captain and he will be so gratefull, he will reward you with a Hidden Machine, which teaches the CUT ability! After you help the captain, keep in mind that once you step off the ship, it will leave port for the open sea.

Vermilion Gym

The leader of the gym is Lt. Surge, and he is a paranoid trainer. To reach him, you must find two secret switches. He also has three other trainers, who will attack with electric Pokemon.

Vs. Lt. Surge

Lt. Surge likes to use Electric Pokemon. He gets a real jolt out of them. Puns aside, a built up Ivy-saur or Geodude is your best bet. The Lt. uses Voltorb, Pikachu and Raichu in this battle. Once you defeat him, he will give you the Thunder Badge and the TM24.

To Be Continued!

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