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The Pokemon TV Show

There has been a show of pokemon in Japan for a long, long time. The show is about, well, as you'd expect, pokemon! Here, I will tell all about the episodes I see, so every Sunday, which is when I get to see a new episode here in Canada, I will write down something about that show. Please do not take any of these episode reviews, cause they take a while to write!

Episode 1 - -
Ash will arrive late to Prof. Oak's home, and he will find out that the three beginners pokemon that Professor Oak is giving to new trainers with no pokemon, are taken, and after yelling out to Prof. Oak how he HAS to have a pokemon, Prof. Oak explains that he has one left, but there is a slight problem with it. Ash reluctantly takes the pokemon, which is Pikachu, and finds all about it's SHOCKING personality. He recieves six PokeBalls and a PokeDex from Professor Oak, then leaves on his journey to be the greatest trainer of all time. He tries to catch a Pidgey, but misses, then throws a rock at a Spearow and it attacks him and Pikachu. Pikachu kills it, but then a GIANT group of Spearows fly up, avenging the death of their Spearow friend. They meet up with Misty, a different trainer, and take her bike to help them get to the Viridian City Pokemon Center quicker. The Spearows attack, and Pikachu, who is almost knocked out cold, regains his strength and destroys them all. Then, Pikachu decides he likes Ash, and gives him a lick on the cheek, just like a dog would or something. Then, Ash sees a legendary bird fly over the rainbow, which, if I'm right, is Moltres, the legendary fire bird found in Victory Road in the game.

Episode 2 - - Ash arrives at Viridian City, and a police lady thinks that Ash may be a pokemon poacher, and after he shows her is I.D, she takes him to the Viridian City Pokemon Center, where his Pikachu is healed and falls asleep in rest as Ash waits. Misty, the trainer from the previous episode comes in all steamed up about how Ash ruined his bike, and after explaining Pikachu's condition to her, she calms down in seconds, asking how he's doing. Then, Team Rocket, two notorious Pokemon Poachers named Jessie and James, and their pokemons, Meowth, Ekans and Koffing attack, looking only for rare pokemon. Ash and Misty attack with some pokemon given to them by the Pokemon Center security. After a HUGE battle, Ash grabs Pikachu who is know awake, and brings him to a place with lots and lots of electricty. He power Pikachu up, then Pikachu unleashes his Thunder Bolt attack, and with as much power as the electricty gave him, he blew up the whole pokemon center. He, Misty, and Pikachu set off through Viridian Forest, and Ash sees a Caterpie and throws a Pokeball at it. The show stops right when the Pokeball is just above Caterpie's head.

Episode 3 - - Ash catches the Caterpie and starts jumping around with joy, and to Misty's disgust, because she hates and has a fear of bug pokemon, Ash lets Caterpie out of the PokeBall. Caterpie runs towards Misty with hearts floating all around him, and she screams in disgust. Caterpie is sad, and climbs onto Ash's shoulder. They set off without Misty, and when Ash notices her following them, he asks what she's doing. She says he's not leaving until he pays her back for her bike, just as an excuse to stay with him, and after a huge arguement, she says she's not following him, it's just that the way he's going happens to be the shortest way through the woods. They make a camp and sleep in their sleeping bags, and Ash wakes up to Misty screaming, asking why Caterpie is sleeping by her. Caterpie goes inside his PokeBall. Ash starts explaining why when he sees a Pidgeotto, and evolved version of Pidgey. He sends Caterpie out to get it, and, since birds eat bugs, Pidgeotto makes Caterpie go flying into a tree stump in just a few seconds, because of how scared Caterpie is of Pidgeotto. Ash grabs Caterpie and sends out Pikachu, who used his Thunder Shock attack at Pidgeotto. When Pidgeotto is down, Ash catches him, and Misty starts yelling at him about how he's never gonna be a pokemon master if he gets dumb ideas like sending out bug pokemon to fight bird pokemon. They are screaming back and forth at eachother, when Team Rocket appears. They tell Ash that they want his Pikachu, and send out Koffing and Ekans. Koffing poisons Pikachu, so Ash sends out Pidgeotto. Pidgeotto is winning, but then Ekans and Koffing knock him down, even though Caterpie was weak from fighting Pidgeotto, Ash sends him out. Caterpie uses String Shot and ties up Koffing, Ekans, and Meowth. Team Rocket leaves, and Misty is uneasily ready to pat Caterpie on the head for a job well done when Caterpie starts spraying out his string shot attack straight in the air. The string falls ontop of him and he hardens, and evolves in Metapod. That's the end of the show.

Episode 4 - - Misty is walking through the woods when someone puts out a sword centimetres away from her face. He says he is looking for a trainer from Pallet Town. Misty says she isn't from Pallet Town, and realizes, once he leaves, that he is looking for Ash. She goes to Ash and he sends out Pidgeotto to catch a Weedle. He ALMOST makes Weedle faint, and that means that this is the perfect time for Ash to catch him. Ash is just ready to catch him when te guy with the sword, who introduce himself as Samurait, jumps out and puts the sword infront of Ash's face. Ash misses his chance of getting a weedle, and him and Samurai begin to fight. Samurai sends out Pincir, and Ash sends out Metapod. Pincir is just about to crush Metapod in half when Metapod uses his Harden move and breaks Pincir's pincir. Then, Samurai sends out his own Metapod and all they do is sit there using Harden all day. Then, a horde of Beedrills attack, and they run away. Just when Ash is ready to grab Metapod, a Beedrill grabs it and flies away. They just make it past the Beedrills, and they find a tree covered in Kakuna's, pokemon that turn into Beedrills. Ash sees Metapod, and is just ready to go and get him when the Kakuna's start to change form, into Beedrills! They escape, luckily, to Samurai's cabin, where he talks about how Ash is stupid and only a novice would leave his own pokemon behind. The next morning, they all go back to the tree that WAS full of Kakuna's, and Team Rocket show up. They stand on a hill and yell out their motto, and they wake all the Beedrills up. Ash and his friends escape, but Team Rocket is chased by Beedrills. Ash finds Metapod and tells him it was all Samurai's fault. Metapod conks him on the head, and Ash says that it was actually his fault. Suddenly, a Beedrill flies down and cuts a hole into Metapod's stomache. Ash grabs Metapod, trying to see if he was hurt or not. Suddenly, Metapod's thick cocoon breaks open, and Butterfree flies out. Metapod had evolved into Butterfree! Ash tells his new pokemon to use Sleep Powder, and Butterfree puts all of the Beedrills, and Team Rocket, to sleep. Then, Samurai tells Ash that if he is able to handle a pokemon so good when it has just evolved, he is not a novice at all. They both agree to have a re-match someday, and then Ash, Misty and Pikachu set off again.

I have lots of shows reviewed and way more coming! Stay tuned for more!

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