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Pikachu Forest


This is the rumors section of Pikachu Forest. On this page, you will see rumors, no duh, but some of these will also get the facts from me. So please enjoy this.

RUMOR: You can get Mew using the St. Anne truck method/Cinnbar Island Trading method/Certificate method/etc...

FALSE: There are only two known and true ways to get Mew: by using a Game Shark or Game Genie, or win Nintendo of America's contest. Anything else you hear is false, no matter what people say.

RUMOR: Holding Up+B when using a PokéBall causes it to work every time!

FALSE: I have tried this myself, it seems to work. But trick doesn't do anything that effective. This cheat is just a coincidence, which counts on luck. But nice way to trick people into doing this though!

RUMOR: Pikablu is the evolved form of Raichu!

COULD BE: There is no such Pokemon named "Pikablu!" This is just a made up name. In Japan, people call him Mariru. But Pikablu may very well be the evolved form of Raichu. However, it is NOT in the Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow versions of the game. It will ONLY be in the Gold/Silver versions.

RUMOR: There is a way to get Pikablu or in this case Mariru.

FALSE: There is no such cheat to get Pikablu. I have talked to many Pokemon Site owners and ALMOST all of them LIE. They say that they have Pikablu, but this is not true in any way at all. I am being honest to all of you surfers. This little tip will help you so that you won't waste time searching for Pikablu and resulting that he does not exist in Red, Blue, Green, or Yellow versions of Pokemon.

RUMOR: WB will air Pokémon in a 3 episode block on Saturdays.

FALSE: According to WB's schedule, only one episode will be shown each Saturday. For the Bay Area, it will show on WB at 9:00AM!

RUMOR: Their is a rumor that WB will re-air the Pokemon episode that caused seizures. They say the problem has been fixed and they can re-air it again.

Thanks for this little tidbit

RUMOR: Missingno. was really suppose to be the mixed Pokemon Wartidgeot, half being Wartortle and the other a Pidgeot.>

If there is a rumor, then submit it to me! It will be on within a day or two if it makes sense or can be proved!

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