~Bad Eggs~
1. Buffy- "I looked good in it." Joyce- "You looked like a streetwalker." Buffy- "But a thin streetwalker." 2. Buffy- "Did I ask for back-seat mommy?" 3. Buffy- "As far as punishments go this is fairly abstract." Willow- "No. It's your baby." Buffy- "K, now I get it even less." Xander- "You know, it's the whole sex leads to responsibility thing. which I personally don't get. You gotta take care of the egg. You gotta keep it safe and teach it Christian values." Willow- "My egg's Jewish." Xander- "Then teach it that Dreidel song." 4. Buffy- "Oh, sure. They say they'll call." 5. Xander- "Mr. Whitmore's out. Couldn't find an eggsitter or something." 6. Buffy- "'Everyday Woman'?" Joyce- "Mmm hmm. Here's the receipt." Buffy- "Why don't you just go Moo Moo's R Us?" 7. Joyce- "Honestly Don't you ever think about anything besides boys and clothes?" Buffy- "Saving the world from vampires?" Joyce- "I swear sometimes I don't know what goes on in your head." 8. Xander- "Apparently, Buffy decided that the problem with the English language is all those pesky words. You...Angel...big...smoochies." Buffy- "Shut...up." 9. Willow- "Are they getting weirder? Have you noticed the weirdness of them?" Buffy- "They're weird." 10.Willow- "You boiled your young?" Xander- "Yeah, I know it sounds cruel. But sometimes you gotta be cruel to be kind."
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