Top Ten Quotes from:

~Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered~

1. Buffy- "Come on, it's a party. Aren't you gonna open your present?" 2. Buffy- "Hey, Oz." Oz- "Hi." Buffy- "I seem to be having a slight case of nudity here." Oz- "But you're not a rat. So, call it an upside." Buffy- "You think maybe you could get me some clothes?" Oz- "Yes, I can. Just don't go anywhere." Buffy- "Really not an issue." 3. Cordelia- "If we die in here, I swear I'm gonna kick your ass!" 4. Xander- "I intend revenge. Pure as the driven snow." 5. Willow- "I'd rather see you dead than with that bitch!" 6. Xander- "Would lap dancing some into that scenario? Because I find that very conforting." Buffy- "Play your cards right." Xander- "Okay, you do know I'm Xander?" 7. Xander- "Amy, hi. Good to see you. You're a witch." Amy- "No, I'm not. That was my mom. Remember?" Xander- "Yeah. I'm thinking it runs in the family. I saw you working some mojo on Ms. Bakeman, maybe I should go tell somebody about that." Amy- "No! You don't...that is so mean!" Xander- "Blackmail is such an ugly word." Amy- "I didn't say blackmail." Xander- "Yeah, well, I'm about to blackmail you so I thought I'd bring it up." 8. Willow- "I wan you, be my first." Xander- "Baseman. Please tell me we're tlaking baseball." 9. Cordelia- "What are you doing?! Are you going stalker boy on me now?" 10.Xander- 'I got an idea. How bout you use me as bait." Buffy- "You mean have Angel come after you?" Xander- "No, I mean chop me up into little pieces and stick me on hooks for fish to nibble on because it would be more fun than my life."

Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered

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