Top Ten Quotes from:

~All Men Are Beasts~

  1. Buffy- "Night came on. And a full moon rose high above the trees. Lighting the land till it lay bathed in ghostly day. And the strain of the primitive remained alive and active. Faithfullness and devotion, things born of fire and roof were his, yet he retained his wildness and wiliness. And from the depths of the forest the call still sounded."

  2. Buffy- Shoots Giles with dart gun "Oh! Sorry!"

    Giles- "Oh, right! Bloody priceless!"

  3. Buffy- "Buffy Summers reporting for sanity."

  4. Xander- "He was here when...when I..."

    Giles- "Woke up!"

    Xander- "You can put it that was if you want, Mr. Technical."

  5. Buffy- "Not too crazy? Those are your credentials?"

  6. Xander- "We're doing crime! You don't sneak up on people during crime!"

    Cordelia- "God, have a (sees body) OK! Scarred for life! Oh, God..."

  7. Platt- "Love becomes your master and you're just its dog."

  8. Willow- "OK, well, it's not for you, it's for me. Because, I'm still getting used to half a monty."

    Xander- "Oh, good. Half? You and Oz? Which half?"

    Willow- "Wouldn't you like to know."

  9. Giles- "Clearly we're looking for a depraved sadisitic animal."

    Oz- "Present. I may be a cold blooded jelly doughnut, but my timing is impeccable."

  10. Faith listening to headphones

    Buffy- "hey."

    Faith turns around and punches her- "Oh! Buffy! Are you okay?"

    Buffy- "Bleeding internally, but I'll live."

    Faith- "God, I'm sorry, I guess I didn't hear you."

    Buffy- "Figured as much, ow, again."

    All Men Are Beasts

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