The Fair Duchess (of Buffonia)Updated August 20th, 1999 I went to Germany! It was so awesome! If you want to read about it I wrote my own little editorial.
So, you wanna know about me? Well, if you can't already tell, I have a thing for Buffy the Vampire Slayer; obsessed really. The contents of me fall into different catagories. So, here goes:
Well, on the Buffy front. I'm feeling macho deprived! It's been six weeks since we've had a new episode! But, the breif hiatus has allowed me to have a life! (or at least a non-obsessive one!) So, my personal section is herby buffed up now! But, one thing: my love for Xander has increased. Not only do I continue to love him, but I'm now an active B/X-er. Hmmm, I guess that's all the Buffy stuff for now!
Hello all! Well, the season is over. I saw G2 on realplayer, and it is so good! I can't wait to see Earshot... I'm still an active B/X-er. Oh! I'm now converting three people to Buffyism! I've cataloged my tapes and am lending them out! It feels great! I saw Austin Powers today. I love Seth Green! He looked so cute. I now have a new found respect for Oz. He has definately moved up on my favorite character list.
My friend Jenni finished watching all my Buffy episodes. She loves the show. I have officially converted my first person! She's now writing her first Buffy fic! Yeah! Otherwise, on the Buffy front; I started my own B/X site. It's called Beloved by the Zeppo
A lot has been going on lately! I now include Cake as one of my favorite bands! Now, if I'd only get around to actually buying the cd! (or Mike could lend it to me again.. *hint, hint*) I also bought the Ally McBeal soundtrack! I really love it. Now, Tell Him is like my unofficial theme song! Plus, it has some great oldies. I wish Buffy would do a "Vonda Shepard like music thing". But, then it would be Buffy McBeal, wouldn't it!
Also, I went to Music Midtown with a friend of mine. That's the Atlanta version of a rock festival. I saw Everclear live. It was... interesting! But, they played some really good songs. The only thing is that now, I swear I've got cancer from all the second hand smoke! (*sarcasm!*)
Well, I mentioned that I go to Chorus, huh? I listen the tape of our Christmas concert, and I was rockin! I'm not even kidding! I always thought I sounded... icky, but I actually sound really good! I'm way proud. And, yesterday, I got to sing my first entire song as a solo. Of course, I played the damsel in distress thing and sang "Someone to Watch Over Me". So, that was way fun! In fact, it was the day after I went to Music Midtown!
Hi! Music has been lovely for me lately. I'm improving on On My Own everyday: which is my own personal goal song. What goal you ask? Well, I always have a song where it is my goal to absolutely rock when I sing it. On My Own (from Les Miserables) has been on my list since... forever. I learned how to really push my air on one part so it's really strong, but not flat. I'm way happy. I heard the cd from my concert mentioned above. I can't believe it's me!!!! I actually sound kinda professional! Well, professional for my age. That made me really happy. I now have a recording of myself I can play for my friends and such and proudly declare with a giddy smile: "That's me!". Yea!
A lot has been going on! I'm now incredibly active in my school's Key Club. I know, you're thinking: huh? That's what I thougt the first time I heard the name. It's a community service club. So, I went to our district convention, and it really jump started me. I also went to a Minitown weekend, where me and many other students from my school learned to work together, etc. Then I worked for four hours at our car wash and got sunburned down to my calf muscles. But, all for a good cause, we made $440 dollars! Then, I volunteered at the Special Olympics. That was really fun! Now, I'm in charge of the Relay for Life. I have to organize a team that will walk to raise money for cancer research.
Okay, prepare for happy news: I recently went stark raving boy crazy! Are ya proud of me? I thought I was crazy before: Nicholas Brendon being my night in shining armor and all, but now, I like... real people! I don't know what happened, but I started buying makeup and actually wearing it! All kinds of things. I now dress to impress more, etc. I feel like a girly girl. Oh well!
I'm still boy crazy! Now I have a list of "crushworthiness". I think I'm psychotic! Well, on the personal front: wow. It's officially summer vacation! I'm going to LA in a few weeks, and most importantly; I'm going to Germany in July. I'm so looking forward to it! I also think I aced my finals, which means I may have all A's this semester! That would mean so much to me since I figured out that if I make all A's consistantly, my chances for scholarship will increase. Finals time was fun. But, I actually miss school... well not school; the people at school.
I went to LA the other week. I'm in love with California. It's majorly beautiful. I went to Santa Monica my last day there, loved it. I've discovered a new store that is awesome. It's called Anthropology and has the cutest clothes and home decorations. But, it's only in California *sigh*. I went to Universal Studios twice, yes, twice. Warning: if you go on Jurasic Park the Ride, you will get completley soaked. This isn't your ordinary splash ride: you get drenched. Almost as if they immersed you in a pool. But, it was fun.
I have school pride! I'm now on the school webteam and get to use their fancy webtools. One of them is a digital camera. I just took these shots of my school. And, more shots will be forthcoming of Key Club stuff, etc!
That's about it for now. There's alot more, but I can't think right now. Oh, yea! I lived in Washington D.C. for eleven years, then I moved to Atlanta, Ga. Just like Alyson Hannigan! (minus the exact years)
Wanna know the rating I've given all the movies I've seen? Go here!