Buffy and Angel go to a porn movie for a date. Kinky, huh? Well, they didn't know. But, this sparks a discussion on whether it's really hard for Angel to feel so strongly about Buffy and not be able to be with her. He says that he doesn't need a movie to feel aroused by her. They share a moment. They kiss. (aww!) Faith interrupts them and patroling calls. On patrol, a demon says that for a price, he will give them some precious book.
Faith runs to the mayor and Buffy to Giles. The mayor sends Faith to kill the demon and get the books and Giles and Wesley order more research.
Faith gets the books and kills the demon. She then goes to the mansion and makes a major move on Angel. He resists and she plays innocent.
The next day, Buffy is distraught. Willow notices. Buffy admits that she saw Angel and Faith together. She then goes to the library and Xander gives her the demons address. She and Faith go and find the dead demon. Faith does the innocent thing again.
Faith runs to the mayor and he calls a demon to take Angel's soul. She flees to the mansion and traps him. The demon emerges and takes his soul.
The Scooby Gang meets and has no clue what to do. Half of them go on a knowledge hunt, Xander goes 'patroling', and Buffy sulks.
Angelus meets with the mayor and they discuss their game plan. He's gonna torture Buffy and such. They stalk towards Buffy's house and Angel knocks Xander down on the way. When they arrive at Buffy's, they play nice and keep up the fassad until they get to the mansion. By the time Buffy realizes that Angel isn't Angel anymore, it's too late. He knocks her out.
Xander runs to the library and informs the whole gang of Angel's cross and his teaming with Faith.
Meanwhile, Angelus chains Buffy up and sets to torture her. Faith goes up and challenges her. Buffy non-literally spits in her face. Faith gets pissed and talks about what a great actress she is. Angel announces that she is second best... only to him. He loses the Angelus attitude and Buffy emerges from the chains. Battle ensues, but Buffy cannot kill her. Faith runs off.
Buffy meets with Angel and expresses how hard it was for her. But, she needs a break from them. They end the conversation with a subtle statement of feelings. (Angel: "You'll always be my girl" Buffy: "Always")
Absolutely fantastic! David Boreanaz was truely spectacular. It was his scenes as Angelus that really made this episode. That's all I can really comment about! Wanna know what I think? Just repeat the word 'Amazing' over and over. Side note: Xander looked really good! I think Nicky got a hair cut! (a. he took my advice! b. I'm sick and I need help!)
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