Top Ten Quotes from:


  1. Buffy- "What is this?"

    Willow- "A doodle. I do doodle. You, too. You do doodle, too."

  2. Buffy- "Did I get it?! Did I get it?!"

  3. Cordelia- "I swear, one of these days you're gonna wake up in a coma."

  4. Buffy- "Someone with a soul did this?"

  5. Buffy- "Uh...there was...uh...oh, uh, it was Mrs. Plum, in the library with a ratchet. I don't know what else I can tell you. The dead children? No, they didn't speak. OK, well, enjoy your doughnuts."

  6. Xander- "So, a burrito?"

    Oz- "This is a burrito."

    Xander- "Damn straight."

  7. Buffy- "Mom, dead people are talking to you. Do the math."

  8. Buffy- "I'm like that kid in the story. The boy who stuck his finger in a duck."

    Angel- "Dike."

    Buffy gives him a look

    Angel- "It's another word for dam."

    Buffy- "Oh. The story makes a lot more sense now."

  9. Willow's Mom- "Willow, you cut off your hair, That's a new look."

    Willow- "Yeah, it's just a whim I August."

  10. Buffy- "Is Willow around?"

    Xander- "How can I convince you people that it's over? You assume because I'm here, and she's here. I somehow mysteriously know where she is."

    Buffy- "Those her books?"

    Xander- "yeah, she's in the bathroom."


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