Top Twenty Quotes from:
~ Graduation ~

1) Buffy- "What's the matter? All that killing and you're afraid to die?"

2) Buffy- "Oh my God, he's gonna do the entire speech."

Willow- "Just ascend already."
Buffy- "Evil."

3) Wesley- "This is mutiny."

Buffy- "I like to think of it as graduation."

4) Cordelia- "I demand an explanation."

Giles- "For what?"
Cordelia- "Wesley."
Xander- "Uh, inbredding?"

5) Willow- "Oh, I'm gonna miss her."

Buffy- "Don't you hate her?"
Willow- "Yes. With a fiery vengeance. She picked on me for ten years, the vacous tramp. Its a sickness, Buffy. I'm missing everything. I miss PE"

6) Buffy- "They're in England, I don't think they can tell which way my back is facing."

7) Willow- "Oh, trusty soda machine. I push you for root beer, you giveme Coke."

8) Willow- "he's delirious. He thought I was Buffy."

Oz-' You too, huh?"

9) Buffy- "Drink me."

10) Xander- "Guess who our commencement speaker is?"

Willow- "Sigfried?"
Xander- "No."
Willow- "Roy?"
Xander- "No."

Willow- 'One of the tigers?"
Xander- "Come out of the fantasy, Will."

11) Buffy- "What page are you on, Wes? Cause we already got there."

12) Wilkins- "Looks like somebody's been eating his spinach."

13) Xander- "Yes, men like sports. Men watch the action movie, they eat of the beef, and enjoy to look at the bosoms. A thousand years of avenging out wrongs and that's all you've learned?"

14) Faith- "Human weakness, it never goes away. Not even his."

15) Willow- "How come evil girl's in the mix?"

Xander- "Anya witnessed an ascension."
Willow- "Okay then."

16) Willow- "Faith told you. Was that before or after you put her in a coma?"

Buffy- "After."

17) Xander- "Come on guys. The suspense is killing Angel."

18)Oz- "Guys, take a moment to deal with this. We survived."

Buffy- "hell of a battle."
Oz- "Not the battle. High school. We're taking a moment....and we're done."

19) Cordelia- "I personally don't think it is possible to think up a crazier plan."

Oz- 'We attack the Mayor with humus.">
Cordelia- "I stand corrected."

20) Snyder- "I saw that gesture. See me after graduation."
