1) Buffy- "Ms. Calender said you were a babe!" Giles- "She said what?" Buffy- "She said you were a hunk of burning something or other. What do you think of that?" Giles "Um, I...I don't really. Burning hunk of what?" Buffy- "Look, you know how disgusting it is to even contemplate you grown ups having smoochies." 2) Cordelia- "What's that riff?" 3) Spike- "This is just...neat." 4) Willow- "Oh, this is fun." 5) Cordelia- "What's your deal? Take a pill!" 6) Buffy- "Hi, Honey. I'm home." 7) Buffy- "Get gone!" 8) Drusilla- "Someone's come to change it all. Someone new." 9) Xander- "Buffy. Lady of Buffdam. Duchess of Buffonia, I am in awe. I completely renounce spandex." 10) Buffy- "It's come as you aren't night."Main / Gossip Around the Province / Buffyisms / Buffyplex / Buffonia Broadcast Network / Buffonia Brits / Buffonia Heights / Province Ponders / Webrings / The Fair Duchess / Province DMV / Buffy Buy / Awards / My Banners / Province Log / Train Depot / For The Love Of Nicky