Buffy- "pretty damn important."
Cordelia- "Oh, yeah."
Cordelia- "yeah, two of them...unlike some people."
Buffy- "Your brain isn't even connected to your mouth is it?"
Cordelia- "Why don't you do us both a favor and get out of my way."
Cordelia put her hand on buffy's shoulder to move her out of the way, Buffy grabs it
Buffy- "Don't ever do that again."
Cordelia- "You're sick, you know that?"
Xander- "Come on, let's not say somehting we'll regret later..."
Cordelia- "You crazy freak!"
Buffy- "Vapid whore!"
Xander- "...Like that."
Cordelia- "What did you call me?"
Cordelia- "Hello! How stupid are you people? She's a Slayer. I'm a homecoming Queen."
Lyle- "I'm gonna..."
Cordelia- "Rip out my innards, play with my eyeballs, boil my brain and eat it for brunch? Listen up, Needle-brain, Buffy and I killed four of your cronies, not to mention your girlfriend."
Lyle- "Wife!"
Cordelia- "The point is, I haven't even broken a sweat. See, in the end Buffy's always just the runner up, I"m the queen. Make me mad? What do you think I'm gonna do to you?'
Lyle- "Later."
Kulak- "I am Kulak of the Miquot clan."
Trick- "Isn't that nice?"
Buffy- "You would?"
Cordelia sighs
Buffy- "Then you will."
Angel- "It hurts...less."
Buffy- "Good. I haven't told Giles and the othersthat you're back."
Angel- "Giles."
Buffy- "And I'm not going to. They wouldn't underatand that you're...better. And I'm gonna keep helping you get better. It's just that things are different, now. I'm a senior. I'm really working harder in school. I'm even thinking about college. And I'm involved with someone. His name is Scott. He's a nice solid guy. He makes me happy...and.that's what I need. Someone I can count on."
(Cut to next day)
Scott- "I don't think we should see each other anymore."
Buffy- "You don't? When did this happen? Where was I?'
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