The date, September 23,1654. The place, Cretell, England. Two young
sisters were running down a dark alley.
"Aud, you know we're going to be in big trouble when mum finds out
this!" said one of the girls.
"Pish Posh what mum's going to do!" the other replied.
"Aud!" the first said.
"Sister, do you want to come or don't you? I can go alone you know!"
said the one called Aud.
"I can't leave you alone on the streets. They be too dangerous!" said
Aud's sister.
"That they be."
A young stranger emerged from the dark alley shadows.
"Who are you?" asked the first.
"You'll learn soon enough." said the stranger.
"We want to learn now!" said Aud.
"Aud, shush!" said the first once more.
"Don't worry. I bring you no harm. Just good fortune." the stranger
"Good fortune?" asked Aud.
"Aud, I think we should go and leave this man be." said the first.
"No, I don't want to go." said Aud.
"Aud I don't-" replied the first.
"Trust me? Figures. No one ever trusts me." interrupted the stranger.
"Oh, and why not?" asked Aud, abit frightened.
"Because I used to lie. I don't any more." replied the stranger, in his
usual cool, calm voice.
"Aud, I think we should go!" said the first, quite scared.
"I don't want to!" said Aud.
"But, what if he's one of those drunks daddy always talks about. The
ones that kill innocent little girls just for moving." said the first,
quite scared, for herself and her sister.
"Maybe you be right. I'm sorry, but we must be on our way." said Aud.
"Oh, but the party's just getting started." replied the stranger in a
rougher voice.
"Party?" the sisters said in unison, with fear in the voice.
That Was The Beginning, Of The End.
"And as the night turns darker," a girl whispered while lurking in the shadows, "the creatures come from the shadows," watching a teenager fighting off some monsters, "waiting to catch the pray they long for," watching her kill them, "tasting the ever sweet blood on the tips of the fangs," and rarely take a blow. "eating the flesh of the one they killed," It was obvious who this teenager was. "and then leaving the remains at some god forsaken street corner," She was, "waiting to be discovered by the next, and for the next to bring more, and then, without warning," the one, "it happens," Slayer. "one beast," And as the young girl watched, "wipes out an entire nation." she wanted to applaud the work.
The teenager pulled out a stake and while lunging for one of the
vamps was flipped by the fast movement of it. Another one came from
behind and pined her down, while a different one helped. The vamp
lowered itself to it's knees and brought it's fangs to her neck. As the
fangs began to pierce the skin of the young teenager's neck, the young
girl from the shadows kicked one of the 'pinning' vamps off of the girl
then moved to the other, quick as a bullet, freeing the young teenager,
but not killing the vampires. The teenager got up and fought the vamps,
still with
the assist of the young girl.
"Who are you?!" asked the teen aged girl while kicking a vamp.
The young girl remained silent and pulled out what appeared to be a
cross. She staked one vamp, leaving the teenager confused with a blind
spot open. A vamp kicked the teenager hard in the gut. The child
the vamp with the cross, spreading dust through the air. As the dust
filled the last vampire's nostrils, the stench of death is well
recognized. The vampire runs the other way.
"Thanks." said the teenager as she picked herself up.
She got up and looked around. "Where'd she go?"
The Next Day At School
"It was weird. The girl was only like, 8 or nine. And-" said the
"She kicked the vamp's butts when you couldn't?" a young male teenager
said, obviously a friend of the teenage girl.
"Xander, please." the teenager said in response.
"What? You're not jealous of a little girl are you?" asked Xander.
"Me? Jealous of a little kid? Why would you say that?" asked the
She saw nothing but staring eyes, saying, "Because you would."
"Okay, maybe I am alittle, but it doesn't mean anything. That kid could
have been a demon hunter put in a body and sent to kill demons." the
teenager said in a 'way-out' sorta voice.
"Buffy, we need to talk." said an old man.
"What is it?" said the teenager.
"There seems to be alittle problem with my calculations."
"What is it?"
"Something's coming. Something-"
"Small and strong?"
"Yes, how did you-"
"We already met. Well, not formally. She sorta... saved my.. life."
"Then took off running like a little scaredy girl." said Xander.
"Saved your life? Then... ran? That doesn't sound like what I'm talking
about." said the old man.
"Well then what are you talking about?" asked Buffy.
"I think we should discuss it in the library." said the old man.
Who Is She?
"That's her." said Buffy pointing at a picture in a laid out book.
"Who?" asked the old man.
"Her, the one that saved me." said Buffy looking at the man and keeping
her finger on the picture.
"You must be mistaken. This girl is dangerous. She doesn't just run
around saving people. She runs around kill-" said the man.
"Who's that?" asked another teenager pointing at an odd looking girl in
the lower corner of the picture.
The girl in the corner was holding what looked like a cross and had
anger and determination spread across her face.
"I... I don't know. I never noticed that before." said the old man.
"There are two of them." said Buffy staring hard at the picture, moving
her eyes back and forth, from girl to girl.
"What?" the old man said in reply. He looked at the two girls oddly.
What's Going On?
"So, what you're saying is that there's no record you can find about
other girl?" asked Buffy.
"I'm afraid, none so ever." was Giles' puzzled reply.
"Is this bad?" asked Buffy.
"Maybe." said the girl from the shadows.
Buffy turned and looked at her. "Who are you?"
"You'll learn soon enough." replied the girl.
"Why can't I learn now?" asked Buffy.
"You must learn patience. Otherwise, you won't learn anything."
"Which one are you?" asked Giles.
"Patience. Something most people don't have. My sister didn't have it.
Got us both killed."
Buffy and Giles exchanged glances.
"Killed? You mean you're a... Where'd she go?" asked Buffy, quite
puzzled. "Giles, did you see where she went?"
"I'm afraid I... didn't."
Xander and another teenage girl entered the library.
"Hey guys. What's up? Find anything out about the kid?" asked Xander.
"Did you just see a kid run out of the library?" asked Buffy.
"No, no one came out. Why?" asked the teenager.
"The girl. She was here. Then she disappeared." said Buffy.
"Here then gone. Remind you of someone?" asked Xander.
"We need to find her. She could be very dangerous." said Giles.
"I'll do research." said the teenager.
"Yes willow, you do that. I'll search the books, you can get on the,
net. Buffy, I'd like you to talk to Angel."
"Okay." said Buffy happily.
"What do I do?" asked Xander.
"Um... keep us posted." said Giles.
The rest walked off to do their duties, yet Xander just stood in place.
"That's it?" he asked to no one.
"Willow, you got anything?" asked Xander.
"No... Wait, I found it! I found it! Go get Giles!"
"Giles!" Xander yelled.
"You know, it probably wouldn't hurt if you would go and get him
personally instead of yell in my ear." said Willow holding her ear.
"Sorry." Xander apologized.
"I wonder how Giles and them are doing." thought Buffy as she walked
towards Angel's.
"They found the answer. One, anyway." said the child, coming out of a
dark alley.
"Who are you?" Buffy asked.
"I told you, wait. You'll learn. Just wait." said the child.
"Well then answer one question. Please." asked Buffy pleadingly.
"What?" the child said in response.
"Are you friend or foe?"
"You wouldn't understand."
"What wouldn't I understand?"
"The truth."
"How horrible." Willow said.
"What?" Giles asked rushing towards Willow.
"The girl. Or girls anyway. It says that one of them was mistevious. I
think that's the one with numerous records. And then, the other one was
like... I don't know. It looks like... like she hated her. But since
they were... twins, she couldn't do anything about it." Willow
"Well, how old are they? What's their background? We need more
information then that Wills!" Xander said flustered.
"They're... They're..." Willow continued hesitantly.
"Yes, yes, go on."
"Older than Angel."
"Older than Angel? He's like... 250 or something! How can she be older
than Angel?" Xander asked frustrated.
"She, They are... Darla's little sisters." Willow said in reply.
"Darla? Who the hell is Darla?" Xander asked.
"She's the vampire who made a snack out of Buffy's mom." Willow said.
"It says here that one of them, the good one apparently, is the one who
killed her."
"How could her little sister have killed her?" Xander asked.
"Well, if they were killed first then they would probably want to kill
the first person they can. And I guess Darla was nearest." Willow
answered. "Wait a second, it says the worst of the twins killed her.
then it says that the good one killed her. This makes no sense."
"Well, you said that she was mad. She might have just found a way to
it all out when she became a vampire." Giles said.
"That makes sense." Willow said while typing in some keywords. "The
description of the picture. I found a description of the picture! It's
called 'Demons Of The Earth'. Later renamed 'The Gang', was of five
vampires named Darla (far left), Angel (second left), Lad (second
right), Aud (far right), and the opposite of Aud in the far
right corner. Named Dua, the soul of Aud, shown attempting to kill her
soulless counter part while the others prepare to attack the city of
Paris. Held at The French Museum Of Art. Painter Unknown."
"Way to go Wills!"
What now?
"Okay, what's the deal?" Buffy asked while entering the library.
"Did you speak with Angel?" Giles asked.
"No, didn't have to. Ran into her. She said you found the answer. One
anyway. Actually, the message wasn't really clear. She was... I don't
know. It was weird. Scary even." Buffy said in reply.
"Buff's scared of a kiiid. Buff's scared of a kiiid." Xander taunted.
"Shut up. She killed two vampires in under five minutes. Then left the
other one running away." Buffy said matter-of-factly.
"Wow." Xander said sarcastically.
"People, please. We have a matter to deal with." Giles said.
"Sorry Giles." Buffy said. "So what's the story?"
"See for yourself." Willow said while pointing to the computer monitor.
Buffy walked over and read, her expression changing with each word.
"Whaddya think?" Xander asked.
"Oh my god." Buffy said in reply. "She was right."
"Who was?" Willow asked puzzled.
"The girl. Dua? Weird name." Buffy commented.
"That be why I changed it. Well, not lawfully. I just call meself
something else." Dua said.
"What do you call yourself?" Buffy asked.
"How did she get in here?!" Xander asked startled.
"I call meself nothing. Just... You wouldn't say it correctly." Dua
in reply to Buffy's question. "There be a door, open to the public."
"Oh, yeah." Xander said.
"I don't think we can say your real name correctly. What do you call
yourself?" Buffy asked, determined to get the answers she searched for.
"You think Dua's my real name?! That's just what some whoosy yellow
belly geek calls me!" the kid said angrily. "I don't even have a name!
My sister got a name, though! And you wonder why I'm the worst vamp in
history! I slaved my ass off doing all
my chores and getting punished for talking to company, while my sister
got to SIT on her ass chatting it off with company! Those people took
advantage of me! I was cursed with a kind soul and they used it to
advantage. That was why I was the worst. And then there was Darla.
Darla, she was nice. But bitter to the world. Once I changed her, she
loved the world! And once I had killed everyone who had ever taken me
for granted, I was satisfied. So satisfied, I didn't want to stop. I
couldn't! So i continued. Walking into shelters for the poor and
on the weak. Me and
the gang then made a mistake of raiding a gypsy family. I was cursed.
Then Angelus. Darla was next, but the hut was tracked down and
before the curse was finished. But they didn't destroy the curse. They
left all the paper out in the forest carelessly. But that's all over
now. It's been over for over 100 years. But there are still chew-outs
over it. I came here looking for Angelous. Can't seem to find him.
Anyway, what do I call myself? I'll tell you. Ever heard of Billy the
Kid? We were close buds back in the 'Wild West'. Take off the 'Billy
the' and what's left?"
"You call yourself Kid?" Giles asked, intrigued with her story.
"Wow, we got our self's a real rocket scientist here."
Where's Aud?
"Why did you run?" Buffy asked.
"Cause I did. I wanted to. I nev-" Kid started before interrupted.
"Kid? What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Angelous!" Kid yelled to the man while getting up to meet the hug.
"Call me Angel. Buffy said she had something for me. You have any idea
what it is?" Angel asked.
"You're hugging it." Buffy said, revealing that she had been on the
watching the reunion.
"Where did you find this hell raiser?" Angel asked.
"Aud and Lad put me in a basket and left me on her doorstep. I walked!"
Kid said.
"You walked in a basket from her doorstep from here?" Angel asked
"Angel, shut up." Kid said.
"Fine, fine. Where is Aud anyway?" Angel asked.
"Don't know don't care don't give a damn. Just as long as she's off my
land." Kid recited.
"Damn, never thought I'd ever hear that again." Angel said.
"Well maybe you should think alittle." Kid said jokingly.
"Angel, you know her?" Giles asked coming out of his office.
"Yeah. We used to raid villages. Our gang was BIG. Every vamp thought
was our type material. They envied us." Angel explained.
"What... What happened to Aud and.. Lad?" Giles asked.
"Don't know. I lost track of them over the years." Angel replied.
"They're coming." Kid said, but when they looked towards her, they
And Death Comes Quickly
"You know what Aud?" asked a young man, approximately 14.
"What's that?" Aud asked.
"I think Kid beat us here."
"So what do we do now?" Xander asked.
"Well... There's really nothing we can do." Giles answered, pacing.
"We could look for them." Willow suggested.
"No. Too dangerous. Is Kid really trustworthy? And how do we know that
was Kid? How do we know it wasn't Aud?" Buffy asked.
"Dead Boy identified her." Xander replied.
"I told you not to call him that!" Buffy said angrily.
"Well I'm sorry! The guy tried to kill you! And he killed Ms. Calend-"
"Leave Jenny out of this!" Giles yelled.
"I can bring her back."
"Kid?" Buffy asked.
"You can what?" Giles asked.
"I can bring her back. Raise the dead." Kid said.
"How?" Xander asked.
"What's going on?" Willow asked.
The ground began to shake, as if an earthquake were upon them.
"Earthquake! Everyone! Find a door way!" Giles yelled grabbing Buffy
running with her to the office doorway.
Xander grabbed Willow and threw her into the library doorway then
her. Kid just stood there in the middle of the library while dust from
the ceiling fell upon her shoulders, dimming the colors of her hat.
Laughter was heard. "The power Lad! The power!"
"Yes, luv! The power we will have on the world!" Lad said to Aud with a
passionate kiss.
"What do you think my sister will do?!" Aud asked with a laugh.
"Clear the way!" Lad said with another laugh as Aud made the earthquake
"Um, Lad?" Aud said with a little quiver in her voice.
"What is it?"
"There's sort of a-" Aud was interrupted before she could finish with a
fire escape falling upon them.
"Judging by the abrupt stop of the earthquake, I'd say either Aud got
bored, or something fell on them." Kid said,
arms crossed.
Giles stepped out of the doorway. "What was that?"
"Aud. My sister? She's alittle powerful. If she had alittle common
sense, she'd be a fair fight with a dog. That's why
she hasn't taken over the world. Too big-headed." Kid answered.
"You mean she's dumb? Cool!" Xander said.
"As a doorstop." Kid said. "I'm going to go stop them. Buffy, stay out
of the way. This fight is alittle over your
"I'm going with you." Buffy said.
"I don't think so. Aud... She's dumb. Lad... He's alittle smarter...
Alittle stronger... You don't want to fight them.
With both of them, they're lethal. You'd be smarter to just stay here.
I'm taking Angel. That's enough." Kid said.
"I'm going. There's nothing you, or anyone else can say that'll stop
me." Buffy said insistently.
"Fine. Your funeral. Get weapons. If I'm taking you, I'm not going to
responsible. Xander," Kid throws him the
cross. "Make afew of these."
"What is this?" Xander asked.
"Stake-cross. Sends vamps straight to hell."
Aud crawled out from under the fallen fire escape. "Lad, I think we
to energize."
"I agree." Lad said, climbing out from under it after Aud. He pulled
a stake-cross of his own and stakes himself.
Aud picked up the fallen stake-cross and staked herself, pocketing it
the process.
"That the best you got? Come on!" Kid blocked the kick, feeling the
power. "You want an example?!" she spin kicked her, knocking her down
one blow. "That's what you need me to do! Now, get up and knock me
Buffy kicked her more while Kid told her how weak she is.
"Stop. Come on. I think I know what you need." Kid said. "Hey Giles, we
got a weight room anywhere around?!"
"In the gym." Xander said.
"Where?" Kid asked.
"Follow me."
"Just let us go back Lord!" Aud pleaded.
"We can take care of all the things keeping Hell down here!" Lad
"You don't have to plead. You have been promoted." a deep, sinister
voice boomed.
"You mean?"
"Yes. You may now go and come as you please. But, you must kill on
innocent life each time you're up there in order to
go back." the unseen monster said.
"Here we are." Xander said while opening a door.
"Perfect." Kid replied. "Okay Buffy. Here's what we're going to do. I
want you doing bench presses, arm curls, and
especially leg curls. Do 10 then add 5 pounds on the leg curls and arm
curls. You start out with 25. Xander, go back
to the library. If you need anything, call me."
"Okay. I guess." Xander says.
Buffy walked over to the weights and began lifting. She lifted twice
weight in everything.
"Okay. Now, lets see if you can knock me down now!" Kid yelled while
walking onto a mat.
Buffy kicked her hard, pushing her back.
"Getting better. Now, make me taste the dust on this mat!" Kid boomed.
Buffy kicked her repeatedly, finishing with a round-house kick knocking
her down.
"Excellent! Now, get me down in one kick." Kid said with a cough.
Buffy ran and kicked her chin, Kid's head back and sending her on her
"More like it! Now, let's get back to the library. Shall we?" Kid
"Gladly." Buffy said helping her up.
Xander charged into the room. "Buffy! Vamps are attacking in the
Kid was already gone.
"HELP! BUFFY! HELP!" Willow screamed.
Kid ran in and kicked the vamp off Giles then jumped up the stairs and
saved Willow. Buffy ran in after Kid and
fought the vamps.
"Damn it Aud!" Kid kicked one of the vamp off the stair rail then
after it.
"Aud did this?!" Buffy asked while punching the vamp she was fighting.
"Who the hell else would?!" landed atop the vamp and staked it with a
"Good point." Buffy said while blocking a punch.
They killed the vampires and helped the wounded Willow and Giles.
"You guys okay?" Kid asked.
"We'll manage. Willow?" Giles asked.
"I'm okay." Willow answered.
"Good. We don't have a moment to spare now. Someone's going to have to
stay behind cause they know where we are
and stuff." Kid said.
"Angel can stay, I'm going." Buffy said.
"No! Angel has to go! The gang has to fight the gang. Angel can't be
left out of this!" Kid yelled angrily.
"Yes I can." Angel said in the library doorway.
"What?" Kid asked.
"I can if I want to. I'm not going to get killed over Aud and Lad.
They're too dumb. They'd never do any harm."
"Angel, you know them! They'll do anything and EVERYTHING they could."
Kid yelled.
"I know that! That's why I'm not going! They're strong! They could take
out this entire room with just a gesture!
And if you're smart, you won't go." Angel said.
"If WE don't go, everyone will die. Hell will be raised. And you know
it." Kid said angrily.
"Yes, we are going to raise hell. But we're going to kill you first."
Aud said from behind them.
Battle Between The Sisters
"To hell you are!" Kid yelled with fright.
"Why sister, is that... despair in your voice?" Aud asked teasingly.
"Aud, can we just kill them and get it over with?" Lad asked boredly.
"No. I like small talk. It's fun. Wouldn't you say, Dua?" Aud asked.
"You know damn well that's not my real name. Nor my nickname either."
Kid said angrily.
"Oh yes, but, well, I have alittle trouble pronouncing your real name
and I know how much you hate not being called
by your nick." Aud said devilishly.
Kid rushed at her, filled with hate, and no idea what to do besides
punch and fight. Aud raised her hand and Kid flew
back into the wall.
"Aud! Stop!" Angel yelled worriedly.
"Why, Angelous? Is that you?" Aud asked intrigued.
"Don't call my Angelous!" Angel yelled.
"Why not? That's your name, isn't it?" Aud asked.
"No! My name is Angel!" He yelled back.
"Well, I like Angelous much better so, I'll call you Angelous." Aud
Willow slowly inched her way towards the book room.
"No! It's Angel dammit!" Angel snapped back.
Kid woke up steadily, then shook her head.
"Audrey. What... What's going on?" Kid asked.
"Kid? Are you okay?" Aud asked curiously.
"Kid? No!" Angel said worriedly.
"I... I think so. My head hurts. Why does my head hurt?" Kid asked
holding her head.
"You just lost your soul." Aud said evilly.
"I... I did?"
"Yes!" Aud said relieved, running to hug her.
Kid got out her stake-cross secretly and hugged Aud. "You know what
"Aud!" Lad yelled, running to Aud's aid.
"You're a gullible fool." Kid plunged the stake-cross into Aud's heart.
"Sister?" Aud asked weakly.
Lad scooped Aud up in his arms, just before she exploded into ashes.
"Aud." Lad said sadly. "How the hell could you?!" he jumped atop Kid
began beating her.
"Stop!" Angel yelled, throwing Lad off Kid. "Get a hold of yourself!"
"To hell with you!" Lad yelled blowing Angel over the desk.
Kid pulled herself up and limped over to Lad, raised the stake-cross
plunged it about an inch into his back, 1 inch
away from his heart.
"Kid? Why the hell did you do that?!" Lad said. He threw her into the
wall and then pulled the stake out of his back.
Willow emerged from the stacks and slowly, silently, and carefully made
her way to Giles' office.
"Lad," Angel said, pulling himself up. "Please stop. For the love of
god, stop."
"No!" Lad yelled. He threw a stake-cross towards angel.
Buffy saw it and lunged to stop it, but was too late.
The stake flew towards Angel, straight for his heart.
"Lad! Stop!"
"Aud?" Lad asked suspiciously, stopping the stake in the process.
Angel picked it out of the air and jumped over the library counter.
"You forget Lad, we were promoted. We can enter and leave Hell as long
as one of us is up here." Aud said
"Oh yeah." Lad said relived.
Angel made a gesture to Kid and raised the stake-cross.
"Lad! Behind y-" Aud yelled before being staked by Kid.
"A-" Lad began before being staked by Angel. "No."
"Yes!" Kid yelled. She kicked him in the gut, but before the kick could
make contact with Lad's body, he fell into a
pile of ashes, leaving Angel to except the blow.
"Kid!" Angel yelled in pain.
"Oh, sorry Angel."