Top Ten Quotes from:

~Lie to Me~

1. Ford- "I wanna be like you. A vampire."

   Spike- "I've known you for two minutes and I can't stand you. I don't
   really feature you living forever."

2. Buffy- "It was terrible. I moped over you for month. Sititng in my room, listening to 
   Divinyl's song, "I Touch Myself." (Xander and willow give her a look) Of course. 
   I had no idea what it was about."

3. Xander- "Angel was in your bedroom?"

   Willow- "Ours is a forbidden love."

4. Buffy- "Are you drinking coffee again? Because we talked about this."

5. Xander- "Are you and I noticing a theme here?"

   Willow- "As in Vampires, Yay?"

   Xander- "That's the one?"

6. Buffy- "There was a cat."

   Ford- "Oh. I thought you were just slaying a vampire."

   Buffy- "What? Whating a what?"

7. Willow- "Buffy saw Angel with a girl."

   Buffy- "Will, do we have to be in total share mode?"

8. Angel- "This can't go on, Drusilla. It's got to end."
   Drusilla- "Oh, no my pet. This is just the beginning."

9. Buffy- "I am trying to save you. You're playing in some serious traffic, here. 
   Do you understand that? You're going to die! And the only hope you have of surviving is 
   to get out of this pit right now, and my God! Could you have a dorkier outfit?"

10. Buffy- "Does it get easy?"

   Giles- "What do you want me to say?"

   Buffy- "Lie to me."

   Giles- "Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are stalwad and true.  The bad guys are 
   easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats and we always defeat them and save 
   the dairy. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after."

   Buffy- "Liar."

Lie to Me

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