Top Ten Quotes from:

~Never Kill a Boy on the First Date~

  1. Xander- "So, Buffy, how'd the slaying go last night?"

    Buffy- "Xander! Shh!"

    Xander- "I mean, how'd the laying go? No, I don't mean that either."

  2. Buffy- "Ooh, two points for the Slayer while the Watcher has yet to score."

  3. Giles- "Buffy, while he mere fact of you wanting to check out a book would be grounds for a national holiday, I think we should focus on the problem at hand."

    Buffy- "Oh, right, vampires. Does this outfit make me look fat?"

  4. Willow- "Ya'know what would be lots of fun? The Sunnydale Funereal Home."

    Owen- "That sounds kinda cool. Do you think it'll be fun?"

    Xander- "We saw some guys in there before, they seemed o be having fun..."

    Buffy- "Bite me!"

  5. Buffy- "If the apocalypse comes, beep me."

  6. Buffy- "Oh, that's great! I kill 'em, you fence their stuff."

  7. Buffy- "Giles, why do you want to me?"

  8. Master- "As it is written, so shall it be."

  9. Boron- "You will be judged."

  10. Buffy- "In that case, I won't wear my button that says, 'I'm a Slayer, ask me how'"

    Never Kill a Boy on the First Date

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