~The Pack~
Willow- "You missed it."
Buffy- "Missed what?"
Xander- "We just saw the zebras mating. Thank you, very exciting."
Willow- "It's like the heimlich, with stripes."
Buffy- "That's witty."
Xander- "You took a bath."
Buffy- "Yeah, I...I often do, I'm actually known for it."
Xander- "That's okay."
Willow- "Good, that'll show em. Did it show 'em?"
Buffy- "They didn't hurt him did they?"
Giles- "They...ate him."
Buffy- "They ate Principal Flutie?"
Willow- "Ate him up?"
Buffy- "I hit him."
Willow- "With what?"
Buffy- "A desk."