
Buffy and the gang are dancing at he Bronze as Angel watches from the shadows. As he watches, a voice over occurs. It goes as follows:

It lies in al of us.
Sleeping, waiting...
And though unwanted, unbidden; it will stir:
Open it's jaws,
And howl.

Buffy gets home and thinks someone is watching her, but ignores it. As she falls asleep, Angel is revealed at the window. He comes in and strokes Buffy as she sleeps.

It speaks to us,
Guides us.
Passion rules us all...
And we obey.
What other choice do we have?

Buffy wakes up and finds a note on her pillow. She opens it and it is a drawing of her while she is asleep, courtesy of Angel Buffy goes to school and tells Giles. He looks for a reverse spell for the invited in thing. Buffy becomes worried about her mother and Angel harming her.

Jenny asks Willow to sub the class the next day and then Buffy and Giles walk in. Buffy and Willow leave and Giles asks for her help with the Angel keep out spell. She gives him a book and Jenny tries to explain herself and what she's been taught by her people. She says that she loves him. She really wants to make everything up to him, but he says that he's not the one that needs to made up with.

Buffy casually warns her mother not to let Angel in. After dinner, she calls Willow. Willow feeds her fish and then finds a envelope on her bed. She opens it and... she pulls out her dead fish. (courtesy of Angel). So, off to Buffy's house she goes.

Meanwhile at the factory... Dru gets Spike a puppy so that he can eat. Spike rejects it. Then Angel comes in and once again reminds Spike about the wheelchair thing and infers that he's "taking care of Dru". Then, Dru has a vision of "an old enemy seeking help to destroy our happy home"

Jenny goes to a little magic shop and asks for an Orb of Thessela. He digs one out for her and asks what it's for. He reminds her that it can't be used without the translated text. She says she's working on a computer program for it.

Willow and Buffy go to school and Willow is unhappy to see that Ms. Calander has arrived, and so she won't need to teach the class. Buffy goes up to Jenny and tells her to keep up the guilt. But, then she says that Giles misses her and she wants Giles to be happy.

Buffy finds Giles and he tells her the spell to uninvite Angel. She and Willow de-invite Willow's room, and then they head to Buffy's.

At Buffy's, Angel approaches Joyce and tells her about their night of passion. He follows her to the door and tries to go in, but Buffy has performed the ritual already.

At school, Jenny works on the spell and Giles comes in. Jenny tells Giles about what Buffy said about him. She arranges to see Giles later at his house. He leaves.

Dru goes to the magic store and figures out what Jenny bought and what she plans to do with it.

Meanwhile, at school; Jenny does it. She completely translates the curse so that she can perform it on Angel. She saves it to a disk and takes it out of her computer and puts it on the desk. Angel walks in, smashes the Orb of Thessela and then throws her computer on the ground. It goes up in flames. Then, he chases her around the school. She puts up a great fight, but he catches her and breaks her neck.

At Buffy's, Giles shows up and Willow gives him the book to de-invite his place. Then, he leaves. Upstairs; Buffy and her mother have a chat about her having sex. Way interesting moment.

Giles arrives home and finds music playing, wine chilling, and roses strewn all about. He takes the wine upstairs and finds Jenny's dead body in his bead. The wine bottle smashes. Sometime later, the police arrive and Giles calls Buffy's house. He speaks to Buffy first and tells her. She backs into a corner. Then, he tells Willow; who starts to cry. And, Angel watches through the window.

Xander and Cordy show at Buffy's and they drive to Giles's. By the time he gets there, it is too late. He has taken his weapons and clearly intends to kill Angel. Buffy goes after him.

At the factory, Spike, Angel, and Dru are talking. Spike tells Xander he did the wrong thing. Giles suddenly throws a thing of fire onto the table. The factory begins to go up in flames. Giles beats Angel with a torch, but Angel eventually overtakes him. Buffy intervenes and starts battle. They run around and fight in various places, but Angel gets away when she realizes that Giles is unconscious and in the line of the fire. She drags Giles outside and he angrily asks why she intervened. She punches him and tells him that she can't do without him and needs him there.

It hurts sometimes more than we can bear.
If we could live without Passion,
Maybe we'd no some kind of peace.
But we would be hollow.
Emptied rooms,
Shuttered, dank.
Without Passion...
We'd be truly dead.

Giles and Buffy visit Jenny's grave and Buffy says that she's sorry that she didn't kill Angel before. She says she wasn't ready, but now she is.

Willow takes over Ms. Calenders class. As she goes to her desk, the computer disk with his cure slips off and falls between her two desks.
