~Teacher's Pet~
Buffy- "No, I'm not saying she craned her neck, we are talking full on Excorcist twist."
Xander- "Oh, it's um...I go there everyday. Oh, God, where is it?"
Buffy- "But, Mr. Flutie, I..."
Flutie- "Heal!"
Buffy- "Yep."
Giles- "When you promised you wouldn't."
Buffy- "Yep. I lied. I'm a bad person. Let's move on."
Angel- "Didn't pay attention."
Buffy- "To someone with a big fork?"
Angel- "He's coming."
Buffy- "The fork guy?"
Willow- "That must be Angel."
Buffy- "Okay, factoid one: only the praying mantis can rotate its head like that. Factoid two: a pretty whacked out vampire is scared to death of her. Factoid three: fashion sense screams predator."
Willow- "The shoulder pads."
Buffy- "Exactly."