1) Willow- "Great! I'll give Xander a call. What's his number again? Oh, yeah 1-800-I'm-dating-a-skanky-ho." Buffy- "Meow!" Willow- "Really? I never got a meow before." Buffy- "Well deserved." Willow- "Darn tootin!" 2) Willow- "You mean bunnies and stuff? No, don't tell me." Oz- "Oh, don't worry. I know they may not look it, but bunnies can really take care of themselves." 3) Willow- "But I want smoochies!" 4) Giles- "Anything yet?" Buffy- "Yes. And you won't believe what I saw! Brittany Podell was making out with Pwen Stadeel. But he goes with Barrette Williams. If she ever fou...no, uh, no sign of the werewolf." 5) Willow- "Yeah. Him and Xander. Guys." Cordelia- "Who do they think they are?" Willow- "A couple of guys." 6) Willow- "He said he was going through all these changes, and then he went through all these changes!" 7) Willow- "Hi!" Oz- "Oh, that's what I was gonna say." 8) Buffy- "Like a typical male." Xander- "On behalf of my gender, hey!" Giles- "Let's not jump to any conclusions." Buffy- "I didn't jump. I took a tiny step and there conclusions were." 9) Cain- "I gotta sa, I'm impressed." Giles- "Excuse me?" Cain- "Well, it's good to get the fruit while it's fresh." 10) Willow- "Oh, what, you're special? You're special boy now...with chains and stuff. Why do you have chains and stuff?"