Province of Buffonia

Province Ponder

Septermber 24th, 1999 Season four is about to start and since I have been doing the much of nothing lately, I thougt I'd add a poll.

If you want to take polls about Buffy & Xander, Go here.

Province Ponder
The new Buffy season without Angel...

will be better without him.
will suck beyond belief
no Angel? What!
will be good whether he's there or not.

Province Ponder
So, what did you think of G2?

Current Results

Province Ponder
Which coupling is your fave?


Current Results
Province Ponder
The cancellation of G2 makes me...

so darn mad!
wonder about the wb's competency...
really anxious to see it!
all of the above

Current Results

Province Ponder
Who's the hottest guy on the show?

Current Results

Province Ponder
Who's the hottest female on the show?

Current Results

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