Unanswered Questions

By Lydia & Cathren

1) When is Buffy’s Birthday? (In I Robot You Jane it says her birthday is October 24 but Surprise and Helpless were in January)
2) How old is Angel? (Won’t get into that one)
3) Who is Spike’s sire? Drucilla or Angelus? (it's Dru - so says Joss. *just a note from the Duchess!*)
4) Why doesn’t anyone in this show wear shorts?
5) How does Buffy’s hair stay immaculate from anything slayage yet it cannot survive a snuggle fest Angel’s house.
6) If Angel has a working phone (Zeppo) then wouldn’t mean he has electricity? Then why does he need about a zillion candles and a fireplace as a source of light?
7) Okay, the fireplace…it’s 80 degrees in California most of the time…people are wearing tee shirts and tank tops (but not shorts for some reason) or no shirts in general (self explanatory) so why does Angel feel he need for a roaring inferno?
8) Why is it that we don’t know Angel Oz or Faith’s last name?
9) Could it be possible that there is more than one slayer even before Buffy’s death but the Watcher’s Council doesn’t tell the slayers because they will work harder if they think they’re the only who can save the world?
10) Is there any guy slayers?
11) Whom or what chooses who gets to be a slayer? What is their criteria? (is their criteria too low?)
12) Are Watchers endowed with any special gifts other then some super cross referencing abilities?
13) Why is it necessary to destroy the library in every finale. (And now the finales aren’t enough…there’s Zeppo, and Gingerbread)
14) How does Giles replace all the books he looses?
15) How could Willow have seen Mrs.’s Calendar bookmarked Wiccan sites if Angelus destroyed Mrs. Calendar’s computer in the first place?
16) Speaking (indirectly though) about Mrs. Calendar where was she in the Wish? (I think it would have been really powerful if she was there when Ayanka asked Giles if really knew if the other world was better.)
17) Speaking of this, why is that if Buffy never came to Sunnydale Larry would be part of the Scooby gang? ( I would prefer Jonathan since he’s apparently immortal…)
18) On the same vein (Sory for the pun) didn’t the master need the Slayer’s blood to rise? ( Man Slayer’s Blood is a modern day cure-all for all you demonic woes)
19) And finally (This is last Wish related question) How could they have defeated if Angel was so busy being (*ahem*) Evil Willow’s playmate? Or do we underestimate Soul Boy-maybe he was able to old down the fort keep the demons at bay for a period of time before the master rose. (This kind of Answers my 5th question where was Luke, Darla, Spike and Dru in this alternative universe…Mr. Trick left when he realized that there wasn’t any fast food workers)
20) Willow can restore Angel’s soul, Angel can destroy the glove of Mhygon,, Giles can reveal the evil fairy tale monster in Gingerbread, the Mayor can make himself invincible and even the common laymen like Xander and Oz can attempt to destroy the box of Gavork via stick figures so…(Warning, Warning the end of the sentence in is sight!!) WHY CAN’T ANY ONE DE-RAT AMY!?
21) Where does Angel get all his money?
22) How come only century old undead American can find already furnished, perfectly restored, completely abandoned mansions that they don’t have to pay taxes on? (Or do they?)
23) Why doesn’t anyone on the show have brothers or sisters?
24) Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that Willow seems to prefer Amy as a rat?
25) Why does Angel have that tattoo on his back?
26) How come Angel is the only person whose blood can wake Acathla? Does this have anything to do with the First Evil’s vendetta against him?
27) I’m sorry but what kind of mother being of sound mind an body would name their girl Buffy? Or their boy Angelus?
28) How can you make out with a Chaos Demon if it doesn’t have lips?
29) Why did such good episodes like Amends and Enemies have such half-hearted endings?
30) Is Angelus pronounced (bear with me here) on-GEL-los or Ann-jelous
