Top Ten Quotes from:

~School Hard~

1) Xander- "It's no biggie, You'll have a nice soiree'. The parents will love it. 
   As long as nothing bad happens between now and then, you'll be fine."
   Buffy- "Are you crazy? What did you say that for? Now something bad is gonna happen!"
   Xander- "Whadaya mean? Nothin's gonna happen."
   Willow- "Not until some dummy says, 'as long as nothing bad happens'."
   Buffy- "It's the ultimate jinx!"
   Willow- "What were you thinking? Why were you even thinking at all?"
   Xander- "You guys don't know. Maybe this time it'll be different."

2) Buffy- "You shouldn't have come here."
   Spike- "No. I messed up your doilies and stuff. But I just got so bored.  I'll tell you 
   what? As a personal favor from me to you, I'll make it quick, it won't hurt a bit."
   Buffy- "No, Spike. It's gonna hurt a lot."

3) Xander- "Come on. One dance. You've been studying nearly twelve
   Buffy- "No wonder my brain's fried."

4) Spike- "Let's see what's on T.V."

5) Buffy- "Okay, if my slaying doesn't get me expelled, I promise my banner
   making won't get me killed. Just please let me get through this week."

6) Xander- "That's it! I'm puttin a collar with a little bell on that

7) Spike- "You nearly died in Prague. Idiot mob. This is the place for us. The
   Hellmouth will restore you, put color in your cheeks, metaphorically speaking
   of course."

8) Buffy- "About how long till this wears off and you start ragging on me again?"
   Joyce- "Oh, at least a week in a half."
   Buffy- "Very cool."

9) Xander- "And while I'm whittling, I plan to whistle a jonty tune."

10) Buffy- "Well, that was never proven. the fire marshal said it could've been mice."
    Snyder- "Mice."
    Buffy- "Mice that were smoking?"

School Hard