~Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harvest
Giles- "Yes."
Buffy- "Well it's the weirdest thing. He's got two little holes in his neck and all his blood's been drained. Isn't that bizarre? Aren't you just going 'Ooooh...'"
Buffy- "I promise."
Buffy- "You are sitting down."
Willow- "Oh, good for me."
Giles- "Uh, yes."
Buffy- "Did you get the free phone?"
Giles- "Calendar."
Buffy- "Cool!"
Buffy- "Breathe."
Willow- "Breathe."
Buffy- "Breathe."
Luke- "What's that?"
Buffy- "Sunrise."
Throws metal thing through window
Luke claws at his face in pain
Luke- "Huh?'
Buffy stakes him
Buffy- "It's in about nine hours moron."
Flutie- "Hey, we're not caring about that. Do you think 'colorful' is the right word? Not dismal. Just offhand, I'd go with dismal."
Willow- "Which part?"
Xander- "The math. Can you help me tonight? Please, be my study buddy?"
Giles- "I'm not sure. Who told you this?"
Buffy- "This guy. Dark, gorgeous in an annoying sort of way. I figured you two were buds."
Giles- "No. Did he say anything else?"
Buffy- "Something about the mouth of Hell, I really didn't like him."
Buffy- "I can't do both?"
Willow- "Not legally."
Buffy- "Don't you know? I'm th..."
Luke grabs her neck
Luke- "I don't care."
Buffy- "I was thinking a more subtle approach. Like excessive not studying."
Giles- "The earth is doomed."
Willow- "No. We're just friends. We used to go out, but we broke up."
Buffy- "How come?"
Willow- "He stole my Barbie. Uh, we were five."
Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harvest
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