Willow Rosenburg

Alyson Hannigan

Willow Rosenburg is a shy bookworm by day, but by night, she's a slayerette...

Willow Rosenburg

Until Buffy came to town, Willow was a shy outcast who was very naive about her surroundings. But with Buffy came knowlegde as well as maturing. Now, Willow is steadily (despite Xander problems) dating a werewolf and is practicing witchcraft.


For ten years the object of Willow's affections was her best friend Xander, until Oz came along. He was the first boy to actually pay attention to her, and he admired her for quite some time before approaching her. He recognized her for the true beauty she is and treats her like a queen. They met at a computer recruitment thing (WML) and soon after started dating. When he learned of Sunnydale and Buffy's role as the slayer, he was cool about it and this thrilled Willow. Soon after, they discovered that Oz is a werewolf. So, she spends three nights a month watching him in shackles. When Xander finally realized he loved her, she felt confused, and though she kissed him and wanted to, she experienced severe guilt. After their breakup, she grovled, and because being without her is like "missing a torso", they got back together.(Amends) They are still mending their broken trust.

Alyson Hannigan

Like Sarah Michelle Gellar and Seth Green, Alyson Hannigan is a verteran actress. She's been acting in commercials since the age of four, and had a major supporting role in "My Step-mother is an Alien", co-starring Dan Ackroyd and Kim Basinger. Through alternate reality Willow plots, Alyson is able to reveal her true acting talent by getting away from her stereotypical character. But, Alyson has managed to give Willow many complex layers that are beginning to show lately. She lives in LA and kick boxes and collects beanie babies on the side. She has recently completed two film projects.

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