The WitchA witch toys with the dark forces in order to join the cheerleading squad.
To Gile's dismay, Buffy decides to try out for the cheerleading squad. At the auditions, she meets Amy, an old friend of Willow's. Then, the first girl, Amber, spontaneously combusts into fire. Buffy puts out the fire and the auditions are postponed. When Buffy tells Giles, he tells her that it is most likely a witch. The next day Buffy, Cordelia, and Amy have their audition. During "group performance", Amy fumbles a cartwheel and knocks Cordelia down. After which, Amy tells Buffy how her mother was the Sunnydale High Cheerleading Champion when she went to Sunnydale. Amy complains that "I just can't get my body to move like hers…". Then, Cordelia confronts Amy in the locker room and basically threatens her. When results are posted, Xander informs Buffy and Amy that they are alternates. But, in Xander fashion, he doesn't realize that they didn't make the squad and makes the situation worse. Amy runs off, disappointed. |
We soon see a witch sacrifice a doll fashioned to look like Cordelia and Cordelia loses her eyesight. The gang goes to Giles, and they conclude that Amy would do anything to get on the squad, and is therefore the most likely suspect. They perform a test to see if she's the culprit and the test proves positive. At the same time, another cheerleader is taken out of the running when her mouth seals shut. Now Buffy is on the squad, but on her first day, she is incredibly hyper. Which escalates until she throws the head-cheerleader across the room with her strength. She is then cut from the squad and Amy takes her place. Buffy doesn't even realize what has happened until she begins to feel awful. They take her to Giles. He tells her it is most likely a bloodstone vengeance spell, and that Amy intends to kill her. |
Giles and a very weak Buffy travel to Amy's house to confront her mother and hopefully retrieve her spell book. When they arrive, they discover that Amy isn't Amy at all, that her mother, Catherine, switched bodies with her and it is her mother doing the witchcraft. Giles, Buffy, and Amy (in her mother's body) rush to school with the witches spell book and Giles tries to reverse the spells. The witch (Catherine, in Amy's body) knows that they're trying to stop her and finds them. As she is battling them, the spell works and the bodies are switched back. But, the witch (in her normal body, Catherine) still tries to get them. She battles Buffy, who is better now, and tries to do a banishment spell. But, Buffy hold up a mirror and the spell is reversed on Catherine and she disappears. They don't know what happened to her, but it is revealed that she was cursed into the trophy that she herself won in high school, and is now 'living' in the trophy case! Main / Gossip Around the Province / Buffyisms / Buffyplex / Buffonia Broadcast Network / Buffonia Brits / Buffonia Heights / Province Ponders / Webrings / The Fair Duchess / Province DMV / Buffy Buy / Awards / My Banners / Province Log / Train Depot / For The Love Of Nicky |