Top Ten Quotes from:

~The Witch~

  1. Catherine/Amy- "She said I was wasting my youth. So she took it."

  2. Giles- "Why should someone want to harm Cordelia?"

    Willow- "Maybe because they met her. Did I say that?"

  3. Buffy- "I've accepted that you had sex. I'm not ready to learn you had Farrah hair."

  4. Xander- "It's pretty much like we're going out."

    Willow- "Except without the hugging, or kissing, or her knowing about it."

  5. Buffy- "Jeepers."

  6. Buffy- "Guess what? I feel better!"

  7. Buffy- "I'd say he get a girlfriend, if he wasn't so old."

  8. Willow- "Yeah, you're the Slayer, and we're the Slayerettes."

    Buffy- "I just don't like putting you guys in danger."

    Xander- "I laugh in the face of danger. Then I hide until it goes away."

  9. Buffy- "I just got kicked off the cheerleading squad didn't I?"

    Xander- "I don't think it was your fault."

    Buffy- "I know you don't. Because you're my friend. You're my

    Xander- shaped friend."

  10. Buffy- "Have you seen the people that work on yearbook? Nerds pick on them."

    The Witch

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