When She Was Bad

Willow and Xander play a movie game in the park which nearly leads to a very kiss-some moment. Just before their lips meet, a vamp jumps out at them. Xander attempts to take him out, due to the lack of Buffy, but at the last minute she saves the day. She has returned for the beginning of school, having spent the summer in LA with her father.

Buffy returns to school the next day and encounters Giles. She jumps right into training that afternoon. She rigorously works herself until she breaks the dummy she's training on. She seems possessed of some sort by her memories of the Master.

A hoard of new vampires meets downtown at a factory, gathering around the annointed one. They plan evil, basically.

Buffy sits in the lounge and talks with Willow and Xander. Giles comes up and tells her that he needs to kill her. She becomes major creeped out and he attacks her. She struggles while Xander and Willow watch on like nothing is happening. She reaches for his face and pulls it off to reveal the Master. Buffy wakes with a start to find Angel at her window. She throws some casual insults and he tells her about the annointed one gathering forces. She turns away from him and he leaves. As he's climbing out the window, he says he misses her. She subsides and says she misses him too, but he is gone.

Buffy tells the gang about Angel dropping by and Xander tells them that Cibo Matto. They plan to meet at the Bronze. Cordy comes up to them and starts going on about vamps and such. Buffy becomes pissed and gives the classic quote: "That works out great. You won't tell anyone I'm a slayer and I won't tell anyone you're a moron."

In the graveyard, a group of vamps dig up the Masters grave, supposedly to raise him.

Buffy arrives at the Bronze in full slut mode. She saunters in, says a few cold words to Angel and approaches Xander. She asks him to dance. They go out on the dance floor and she does a seductive dance with him, that actually makes him uncomfortable. Willow, Angel, and Cordelia watch on, appauled. Buffy struts out and Cordelia follows her and advises her to get an attitude adjustment. Buffy pays he rno mind and goes off. After which, Cordelia is attacked by vampires and is dragged off. Buffy walks by the graveyard and sees that the Masters grave is empty.

The next day at school, Willow and Xander approach Giles with their concerns about Buffy and her attitude problem. Buffy comes up and informs them of the graveyard having a Master vacancy. Buffy goes into bitch mode once more, but before they can argue, Principle Snyder interrupts them.

They research in the library and a rock is thrown through the window with Cordelia's watch attached. Buffy must go to the Bronze and instructs them to stay put, basically launching into bitch mode again. On the way there, Angel finds Buffy and bitchyness ensues (seeing a trend here?) She challenges him to a fight, but they must get to the Bronze.

At the Bronze, Buffy finds a vampire pretending to be Cordelia who informs her that it is a trap. Buffy suddenly realizes that the trap is being set for the others.

At the library, Giles figures out that they are being caught. They are suddenly cornered by many vamps.

Buffy rushes to the library to find the place in shambles with only Xander left. He is bleeding and he becomes increasingly angry. He says "If they hurt Willow I'll kill you." He tells her the clause to the ritual. But, he doesn't know where they are. They go back to the Bronze and Buffy forces the vamp to tell them where they have taken the others.

At the factory, the vamps have the gangs bodies hanging over the bones of the Master. Buffy creeps in and starts a ruckus while Xander and Angel free the others. She kills the lot of them until only the Masters bones are remaining. She takes a sledge hammer into her hands, and pounds the bones into chalk; crying and simultaneously working through her issues.

The next day, Buffy realizes what a bitch she's been and is afraid that Willow and Xander won't be able to forgive her. She goes toward them in class nervous and reserved, but soon Xander makes a joke and everything is back to normal.

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