Top Ten Quotes from:

~When She Was Bad ~

  1. Willow- "I mean, why else would she be acting like such a B-I-T-C-H?"

    Giles- "Willow, I think we're a little old to spelling things out."

    Xander- "A bitca?"

  2. Buffy- "Xander...did I ever thank you for saving my life?"

    Xander- "No."

    Buffy- "Don't you wish I would?"

  3. Cordelia- "Buffy? You're really campaigning for bitch of the year, aren't you?"

    Buffy- "As defending champion, you nervous?"

  4. Willow- "Buffy killed a vampire last night."

    Buffy- "I think you can get a little more volume if you speak from the diaphragm."

  5. Buffy- "Well, that works out great. You won't tell anyone I'm a Slayer, and I won't tell anyone you're a moron."

  6. Buffy- "Cordelia...your mouth is open, sound is coming out. This is never good."

  7. Buffy- "Master's gone."

    Giles- "I'm sorry?"

    Buffy- "The Master. I went by his grave the other night, and they have a vacancy."

  8. Buffy- "I've moved the living."

  9. Willow- "Well, Giles did bury him..."

    Buffy- "This is Slayer stuff, okay? Can we have a little less from the civilians, please?"

  10. Buffy- "Come to the Bronze before it opens, or we make her a meal."

    Xander- "They're gonna cook her dinner?"

    When She Was Bad

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