~The Zeppo~
Buffy- "You wanted a jelly?"
Giles- "I always want a jelly. I'm always the one who says let's have jelly in the mix."
Willow- "We're sorry. Buffy had three."
Xander- "Really? Pop?"
Faith- "You up for it?"
Xander- "Oh, I'm up. I'm suddenly very up."
Xander- "Yeah, I think it's Bob."
Giles- "No, thank you."
Xander- "Oz?"
Oz- "No. Oddly full today."
Xander- "What do you mean what is it? It's my thing."
Willow- "Your thing?"
Xander- "My thing!"
Buffy- "Is this a penis metaphor?"
Jack- "I was parked."
Buffy- "The Hellmouth? The one that opened..."
Giles- "About twenty feet from where you're standing."
Willow- "Every nightmare I have that doesn't revolve around academic failure or public nudity is about that thing. Once, I dreamt that it attacked me while I was late for a test and naked."
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