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Links to Recomended Pyro Pages

Shelton Fireworks, the exclusive retailer of Mad Hornet Fireworks has an OnLine Catolog. Click on the picture to check out their site, which is highly recomended!

  • Tom Perigrin has an excellent web page.
  • American Fireworks News publishes an excellent pyro newsletter, as well as some excellent how-to books and videos, and a whole lot more.
  • Andy Krywonizka also has a great web page, noted for the PFP database.
  • Tom Dimock has an excellent links page.
  • Wouter Visser has an excellent pyro page in two languages: english and dutch< /A>.
  • Dan Williams has a fabulous page about making pyrotechnic toolings and all other sorts of great stuff.
  • Eric Spinella has a good page about high explosives and pyrotechnics.
  • The Desert Blast Formulas & Techniques Page contains step-by-step pictorial instructions for creating your own fireworks. Like the other pages linked to from here, it is recommended reading.
  • Pyrotechnics UK is a page designed by two pyros, Edd Stewart and Dave Brainwood.
  • American Fireworks News is an excellent publisher/supplier of pyro literature, also publishing a monthly fireworks newsletter.
  • Skylighter Inc. is an excellent supplier of pyrotechnic chemicals and supplies.
  • Jack Diamond, aka "Megalomania," has a simply mindblowingly comprehensive page about the synthesis of just about any high explosive you could dream of, plus a bunch of other great "unpopular information."
  • Florian Reckelkamm, aka "Arkanum," has a pyro page which is under construction at the moment, but will hopefully be finished soon.

  • Here is a start on a pretty decent pyro page. Please check it out.

    This is a pretty cool page with info on pyro and spud guns ( I MUST have one of those:-)

    Here is a pahe in french. Interesting page, check it out!

    Here< /a> is a good start on a page, Lots of info, some on HE's. Check it out!

    Other Pages Andy has Made:

    Andys Amateur Rocketry Page

    Nathans Pokemon Website.

    NoN pYrO LiNkZ:

    How Stuff Works HIGHLY RECOMENDED, it won "cool site of the year" too.

    Andys Cousins Webpage. Some really funy stuff.

    Rocketry Online! This is the best model rocketry site on the net!