Edward M. Craft
This is condition that is caused solely by improper cage conditions. The effected animal, for one reason or another, is uncomfortable in its surroundings and begins to search for a way out by rubbing its nose against the enclosure. This condition is most often seen in snakes and lizards. The usual cause of this condition is the rubbing of the rostrum (nose) against the surface of the enclosure during efforts to escape. Wire and screen enclosures are known to contribute to rostral abrasion and may cause severe damage. The use of screen and wire in the construction of an enclosure is highly discouraged for this reason.
Rostral abrasion is easy to treat when caught early and involves the use of topical antibiotic ointments. Common causes of this condition range from improper sized housing to a lack of security and privacy for the reptile. The underlying cause of the condition should be determined to prevent future occurrences.
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All rights reserved by Edward M. Craft. Printed in the United States of America. Original Edition 1997